Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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He opened his book with one smooth hand movement and started reading poetry. What a rude child. Not only did she challenge a defenceless man, she even expected him to make the first move nonetheless?

"Sorry, not interested." He flipped a page, and the ink covering his skin began to ripple and change shape, shifting and crawling over his body as if it took a life of its own. An ominous feeling filled the room with dread.

The bird's wings suddenly flapped, and the creature jumped back and cried out with wide eyes. "Wha wha wha wha what? You- you're not seriously going to whip that out here? Now!? Have you gone mad? You're going to-"
Lawrence smirked. And with a graceful snap of his fingers, the tattoos covering his left arm and breast scattered and vanished, his hair swept up wildly and lost all color. White as snow,  the conductor was done preparing the stage. When he moved around aimlessly earlier, he already took note of his cute little bird's position and moved accordingly.  Its flames only stretched the room's shadows further, moving them along its panicked flight.

"Come, Grail King."

Thus she was stepping on his shadow. That is until now, until a massive black lion jumped from it and pounced on her, like a living mass of darkness coming to swallow her whole from beneath her feet.

The Scribe

The scribe sighed, and returned to his work. "You may inquire further with the locals, please. I have much work left to be done, and no time to speak... the praises of my so-called employers."


Sakura nodded, although she disliked his dismissive air. An immigration officer should be there to answer questions, no?

Not that she'd really know any better. She just swore to herself under her breath in her native Finnish before standing up and taking her place slightly in front of her mage-killing friend.

"Let's go."


"Aww you look so backed up though, I was  even gonna give you a nice discount-" She was cut off by the sudden worried tone of the birdie, she flicked her gaze his way as he complained about something new.

"what do you mean...."

Her vision spun around and she saw the floor as something heavy pushed down on her. "whoa you have cool pets too? That's awesome, but..."

She put bit hands against the ground and pushed as hard as she could, and then harder, until it felt like her bones would break.

"That doesn't mean I'll give up on you! I'll beat this thing somehow and then I'll save you! I don't care how hard it gets, I, will, do, it!"


The bird just stared wide eyed with a dumbfounded wide beak. Only then did it turn its stare and glared with an evil grin at his partner in crime, the only guy in the world worth his respect. Yep, he was totally on his side, and had been all this time. The whole betting he'd get his butt kicked and all? Pfft, as if. He was just kidding, just kidding! H-hey, don't you laugh. There's no way he was going to stick to the losing horse, even if it meant putting up with that guy.

"Wow. You're horrible. How could you cheat like that? That's no way to fight." He snickered and flapped its wings to perch up his shoulder. Lawrence could be a real dirty cheat when it came to this stuff, blacker than the worst crook. The kind of guy who'd pirate music and games illegally if he could. At least, that's what he liked to think.

"Why, I told her I'd be gentle. But I never said anything about being fair."

He walked calmly to the poor, poor Neppers. The poor Neppers who was being smothered by the massive black cat, whose heavy paws pressed on her while its fur coated her like an ebony cloak. It sniffed at her, its bloodshot red eyes sized her up like prey.

It licked her cheek. It purred softly and shifted its body around so it would tug at her, and began to tend to the poor girl's hair like a cub. And the weight became heavier and heavier, like a soft blanket that simply wouldn'y let go. And the worst thing was...

It tickled.


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