Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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Nicole quickly found her attempted retreat stymied, even before she had the chance to halt herself. The purplehead was pressing more firmly against her now, her chest pushing against the werewolf's as she was held in place. Heated breaths tickled her neck and her cheek, Nicole unsure what was working Neptune up more, the proximity or the prospect of a new commission. Or it was just another sales tactic, though the darker girl found herself beyond caring at this point. Even the workshop seemed to change around them now, turning darker and slightly lesser cluttered, lit by soft moonlight drifting in through a window as that familiar voice crept into her ear again. The girl had her good and cornered, and congratulations were in order for that. Still, a cornered beast was often more dangerous than expected.

"Everything?" Nicole said after a long moment, her blush spreading further as she wrapped her arms around the purplehead's waist in turn, seemingly transfixed by the forgemaster, "Quite the deal you're offering."

Then her grip tightened and she suddenly shifted back to Neil, flesh flowing like quicksilver yet remaining firm as he hoisted Neptune up off the ground, arms still wrapped around her waist. Steely grey eyes bored into hers as he brought his face closer to hers. With mere inches separating them, however, his lips curled up in a heated smirk.

"Careful now, are you sure you want to be offering yourself up so freely?" Neil said, his curiosity getting the better of him.


"If you don't even go all in then where's the fun in it?"

She wrapped her legs around the now masculine form that was the same that had first entered her shop. "But you're the one who should be careful. Going around and hunting prey that's way out your league, you naughty boy-"


The werewolf smirked at Neptune's reply, seeing that familiar face again, before glancing behind the purplehead for a moment. Carrying the girl with ease, Neil moved her over to the nearest convenient table, nudging its contents aside with Neptune before setting the girl down on it.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," Neil mused, "It wouldn't be my first hunt."

With that, the werewolf closed the gap between them, one hand moving to the back of her head as he pulled her firmly up against him pressed his lips to hers. He practical sealed them closed for a long moment as he took his time tasting her, relishing every feeling he could. Then he pulled back, just as suddenly, eyes alight with heated sparks as his eyes bored into hers.

"So, how about half of the original discount, and we go 'all in' as you call it," Neil said, quickly catching his breath, "And I'll run errands for you to pay the rest off."


"Then that's settled! No worming your way out of that!"

She'd gotten him exactly where he wanted him, as a new fresh errand boy. This would be so much fun, the amount of rare materials she could get with a shapeshifter working for her was an exhilarating thought. She leapt of the table and did a victorious spin before facing him again, seemingly unaffected by the recent make out session.

"Now what do you want? The bigger it is, the more I get to work you to the bone now heehehe..."


Neil raised an eyebrow as Neptune suddenly broke off from the heated closeness the moment he proposed his deal. The werewolf looked at her for a moment, before shaking his head with a bemused chuckle, realizing that she'd gotten just what she wanted after all.

"What do I want? A new hunting outfit will do for now," Neil said, "I'll need it light, armored, quiet, and it'll need to fit me in more shapes than this one. Well, I'd like it to look nice as well, but I'm sure I can trust a forgemaster of your caliber to manage that anyway. Can you make it self-repairing? I'd imagine it'd be troublesome to come back frequently for repairs."


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