Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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"Mhm... Mhm.." Neptune nodded and then starting shooing him away. "Come back tomorrow and I'll have something ready work fo you. We can discuss the exact payment method if you're satisfied. But I gotta work on some things now and you're in the way big time Mr. Massive.."


"Tomorrow then," Neil said with a nod, giving Neptune one last look before turning and strolling out, his mantle billowing slightly behind him.

Looks like that'll be another familiar face to see in my sleep.


Continued from the Pleasure Palace

Lights flashing, music pounding on his ears, a man and his motorbike shot through the city. The red streak crossed the highway streets, swaying and swerving until it finally arrived at its destination. A brake and a cloud of dust kicked up in the air, and the man took off his helmet with a relaxed smile.

"So this is... the Citadel? Mon dieu."

The architecture twisted and stretched unnaturally, like some freaky version of a wizard's tower... but a whole damn neighborhood. People of all shapes, sizes, colors and digit counts walked around, greeting and otherwise going by their day to day under an eternal twilight. And of course, horrifying storms and thunder crashed far off into the distance, blistering the skies with all sorts of colors. Thank the heavens this was all the way back there, and not here.

He scratched the back of his ear aloofly and sighed. That thing in the distance, it was enough to give him chills.

"This doesn't seem to be the kind of place where you'd find sushi. That old man... what a client. This is going to be one tough job."

But no sense beating around the bush. There was plenty to do, and only so much time to fatten up his wallet. That's why he came all the way here, and why he went as far as to look for 'her'.

A drug-fueled nightmare of neon colors and assaults to the sense later, he swaggered his way up to the front door of the shop. Opening it wide with a fell swoop like it was his best friend's place, his smile stretched from ear to ear and he greeted the owner with the best cheer in the neighborhood.


...But the whole place was barren and empty. He just stared at the totally vacant building, then looked out to make sure it was the right address. Huh...

He had to drive all this way, and the place had moved? Today was getting peachy at this point. No, that couldn't be right. Maybe if he asked around a bit, he'd figure out where she was. But gas was getting just way too expensive these days.

Continued in Campus Town

Outer Wards - Lapidarian Enclave

Early Evening

There were a multitude of shops and compounds in the Outer Wards of the Citadel of Sorcery. Each was under the protection of the most militant of magical orders, those whose low status but high membership afforded them the least abundant access to the Omphalos' mana - but also the most access to the world beyond the Citadel's fearsome walls. They would barter, then, with the Orders closer to the center of the district for increased access to mana in exchange for facilitating commerce between them and the outside world.

This commercial activity most typically took place in special neighborhoods within the militant orders' Outer Wards - compounds controlled by some other inner order or another to provide goods and services to visitors from beyond. The Lapidarian Enclave was one such compound, a place surrounded by shimmering walls of violet and azure light projected up from crystalline emitters buried in the ground which violently shocked anyone attempting to reach down to pry them out. Within the borders of this mystical barrier was a large medieval style stone structure with a trio of white towers rising up, shorter than the central tower belonging to the ward's dominant order and yet quietly drawing in power toward themselves from it to those with the sight to recognize this.

It was open for business still, advertising 'one-shot spell quartz,' 'warding services,' and 'enchanting work by commission.' All one had to do was walk up, announce their intention to purchase, and the barrier would let them in and open the way to the emporium floor...


The Elven magus had found herself in this very emporium of magic as a result of her quest for shiny magical trinkets which would help Sage cheer up. However, she'd been...

Rather disappointed with most of that which was on display. They failed to interest her keep eyes-powerful tools in their own right, to be sure. On a better day, she might have even purchased a few of them. But not what she desired at all. Not right now. Not for her Sage.

She wanted grander, more powerful items which could excite even an ancient dragon. And to do that, they'd have to excite her. So, when she plopped a sack full of platinum coins, she'd been lead by the staff to the invitation only section of the store...


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