Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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By the time her headache had dispersed and she'd gotten herself dressed in her fancy new clothes, Archer had already left, leaving a note telling her he had bussiness to attend to, and wouldn't be home soon. While she'd been a bit disappointed to be left home alone, it hadn't bothered her much beyond the initial moment. Solitude suited her. She enjoyed the loneliness as much as she did the company.

So she'd eaten a full breakfast and headed out. The voices whispering at her in her head were quiet. Almost absent.


Actually, they were absent—in their entirety. Only the dull, faint throbbing at the back of her head accompanied her! "Silence!" She cried out in ecstatic joy. "It's wonderful! This is like living in a dream!" The young child danced around inside of her shadow, containing her outburst to her most private place. Here, nobody could ever get her. Here, she was alone. Here, she was in control.

Here, she was safe.

From inside of her command center, Tsumiko artfully directed her shadows, searching for harm being done, people to covertly save, and criminals to punish.

Her search soon lead her to the Citadel, where she quickly spread out the scope of her search. Small shadows rushed through pipes and along walls, scouring the area for injustice which needed attention. It burst forth from underneath Mai, seeking to wrap its tentacled darkness around both her and her assailant to draw her in!

Umbra of Chaos:

It was a rudely interrupted silence.

Her footing is steady; her focus is pure. A ripple on the surface of a lake may seem unnoticeable, but if the waters are tranquil even the mildest disturbance is as noticeable as a writhing wave. So she feels the earth below her shift. Her awareness extends to the minute cracks in the asphalt of the street below her. She moves.

Living shadow erupts from the place where she stood. It coils like a serpent, wrapping itself around the knight as Mai warily watches its movements. It is fast, certainly. From what she saw it may even be faster than her, and it was certainly stronger if its ability to restrain the knight was any indication. It was... a challenge. A thing without skin or sinew, something that seemed to share more in common with a twisted spirit than a man.

She feels her heart beat. The air grows sharp. Her tongue tastes blood.

Fingers bloom from her back.

She raises her sword. Is she smiling? She does not want to know. There is no usefulness in knowing. Right now, there is only her and an enemy. "Will you chase me? Or should I cut you down there?"


--- Quote from: Umbra of Chaos on January 19, 2021, 10:13:45 PM ---Mai

It was a rudely interrupted silence.

Her footing is steady; her focus is pure. A ripple on the surface of a lake may seem unnoticeable, but if the waters are tranquil even the mildest disturbance is as noticeable as a writhing wave. So she feels the earth below her shift. Her awareness extends to the minute cracks in the asphalt of the street below her. She moves.

Living shadow erupts from the place where she stood. It coils like a serpent, wrapping itself around the knight as Mai warily watches its movements. It is fast, certainly. From what she saw it may even be faster than her, and it was certainly stronger if its ability to restrain the knight was any indication. It was... a challenge. A thing without skin or sinew, something that seemed to share more in common with a twisted spirit than a man.

She feels her heart beat. The air grows sharp. Her tongue tastes blood.

Fingers bloom from her back.

She raises her sword. Is she smiling? She does not want to know. There is no usefulness in knowing. Right now, there is only her and an enemy. "Will you chase me? Or should I cut you down there?"

--- End quote ---


The shadows coiled around the knight's body, feeding into his wounds and dragged him down through the world, into the abyss beneath.

"Why!" A distorted yet human voice reverberated through the shadow. "Why were you fighting this man!"

Umbra of Chaos:

It can talk?

The disappointment rips through Mai's body like a spasm, her grip on her sword violently tightening until her knuckles whiten. Her veins are flush against her hand as she presses the tip of her sword against the ground. She takes in the moment then, a brief exhale attempting to dismiss the trembling in her free hand.

If only it was fear that made it shake.

After a scant few seconds, habit reasserts itself. Measured, even breaths escape Mai as she stares at the shadowy mass before her. It is alive, perhaps? Or some sort of familiar. Could she cut a shadow with her sword...? It has form, even as it shifts. All things with form will shatter. Her finger thumbs the hilt of her blade as a more calm confidence reasserts itself. Yes, if needed she can certainly cut it. But was there any point in battle?

Mai's dull, almost blank eyes gave nothing of her swirling thoughts away. Instead, she tilted her head just a tad. A sliver of inquisitiveness slipping into her frame as she responds. "It attacked me first. Why is such a thing your concern?"


Tsumiko recognized those eyes. She'd seen them in the mirror every day of her life—dead, lifeless eyes of someone just trying to get through the day to day without breaking; without despair. The shadow puppet retreated, retracting its tendrils back into its abyssal corpse and morphing back into a pool on the ground which lead to another world.

The purple-haired child emerged from within, draped in the same shadows which had assaulted Mai. They tightly covered her torso, while she wore a loose pair of shorts underneath, her legs covered up by more of her familars. "I'm sorry, then. I was just trying to break up the fight." Tsumiko bowed at her politely with the mannerisms of her hosts. She took a step forwards, staring at Mai with curious eyes which looked much like her own. "My name is Tsumiko. What's yours?"


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