Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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Umbra of Chaos:

Mai warily eyes the knight as it is drawn into the shadow. Sorcery was not a field she was familiar with, and there was something unnerving in the ways the shadows shifted and skittered. She did not want to be touched by it. But she was not so rude to make that discomfort visible. So she bows in turn, back straight but not bent low enough to assume inferiority. It was simply a show of respect towards a powerful stranger.

"I am Mai. What is it that you plan to do with that knight? I will not allow him to be killed." There was no heat in her voice. In fact, her body grew almost unnaturally still. There was only a firmness to her tone. At the very least, she would not allow for senseless killing.


"I'm holding him prisoner, just as I was trying to do to you. I saw a fight, I wanted to break it up. Figure out what's going on before taking any steps too drastic. Try to prevent either of you from killing the other."

Tsumiko straightened up and began to nervously shuffle her feet. She wasn't used to really talking so much with strangers like this, and it showed. Nervous energy barely contained by a force of will greater than her own was bundled up, present in her every movement. "So, were you... not trying to kill him?"

Umbra of Chaos:

"No." Her answer is short and blunt. She considers the careless movements, how the other girl almost shuffles in place simply from having to talk. To have all that power despite that might be something worth praising... or it was something to be concerned about. She kept her distance regardless, always keeping several steps away from the other girl. "I am no judge. It is not in my purview to weigh the lives of others, and I will not allow others to do so either."

"It seems you think similarly?" She raises a single, elegant brow. Mai's eyes watch the shadows for any possible threat. Sorcery was... distasteful. It was easy to know the character of a swordsman. If their hands do not tremble, they cannot be trusted. But those who practice the arts can kill without a care, sometimes without meaning to. It made them much more difficult to evaluate.


"Well, I don't know about all that." She replied with a sheepish expression that spoke of her inexperience with these matters. "I've never had the chance to discuss such matters, or to give too much thought to whom should and should not be meeting out the fist of justice. Still—I don't think anyone who doesn't deserve it should die."

The inescapable, cavernous maw of Tsumiko's shadow opened up, ejecting the now-shivering man from its gullet. "I'm sorry for making an assumption."

Umbra of Chaos:

Mai spares the man a quick, careful glance. Her piercing gaze checks his armor for any damage, any hint of blood, but only the gap she had carved early remained. For now, it seems she can trust the other girl's word. That was... relieving. While she did not look much older than her, there was a newness and uncertainty to Tsumiko's face like a child's. It would not bring her any joy to shed her blood. Still, her sword is as ready as ever even as she gives the knight a dismissive look. Her eyes only slightly narrowed, she points away towards the grand spires of the Citadel proper.

"Go, pawn. May this stranger's interference be satisfactory enough to spare your life, should you return to your master." Stumbling to his feet, she notices the hesitation in his posture for a moment. But perhaps the experience taught him enough wisdom. The knight stumbles off back to the depths of the city. Mai almost... no, she does feel pity for him. If only because he returns since he knows nothing else.

But she cannot shoulder the responsibility of all who suffer. Instead, she looks towards Tsumiko with the vaguest tinge of curiosity. "Where will you go now?" It felt too cruel to simply leave. Even she was not so heartless as to abandon children on the street.


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