Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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--- Quote from: Umbra of Chaos on February 11, 2021, 04:00:41 AM ---Mai

Mai spares the man a quick, careful glance. Her piercing gaze checks his armor for any damage, any hint of blood, but only the gap she had carved early remained. For now, it seems she can trust the other girl's word. That was... relieving. While she did not look much older than her, there was a newness and uncertainty to Tsumiko's face like a child's. It would not bring her any joy to shed her blood. Still, her sword is as ready as ever even as she gives the knight a dismissive look. Her eyes only slightly narrowed, she points away towards the grand spires of the Citadel proper.

"Go, pawn. May this stranger's interference be satisfactory enough to spare your life, should you return to your master." Stumbling to his feet, she notices the hesitation in his posture for a moment. But perhaps the experience taught him enough wisdom. The knight stumbles off back to the depths of the city. Mai almost... no, she does feel pity for him. If only because he returns since he knows nothing else.

But she cannot shoulder the responsibility of all who suffer. Instead, she looks towards Tsumiko with the vaguest tinge of curiosity. "Where will you go now?" It felt too cruel to simply leave. Even she was not so heartless as to abandon children on the street.

--- End quote ---


"So what did you do? To be chased, hounded, and assaulted as such?" Tsumiko asked with a plain, casual expression. "What is your sin?" She didn't seem to be too concerned with the knight anymore. Her interest had vanished the moment that she'd released him and he fled from the young girls before him.

She knew it. She knew that Mai had a deep scar, the same as her. And she wanted to learn more.


Some time later...

It had taken around half an hour for the wound to close up, and about an hour after that for the internal damage to heal, by which time the squirrel girl'd had plenty of time to clean off the blood, take a shower, and get a fresh change of clothes that didn't smell like burned flesh and gore. Putting the incident behind her both figuratively and literally, the squirrel girl had since made her way to the Citadel, figuring that it was about time she got her hands on some armor, at least for her arms and legs.

Sure you need that, ma?

Nanako started for a moment, then shook it off and went back to roaming the streets, looking for the right shop. Since the seraph's fire had washed over her, that presence in the back of her head seemed to have awakened, crawling up her spine from where the feathers had implanted into her up into her mind. Whatever it was, it was surprisingly talkative, considering that Zeke had said it was basically a baby.

Heaving a quiet sigh, the squirrel girl finally found a shop promising decent armor, zipping inside and searching the shelves for something that would meet her standards, fluffy tail swishing excitedly behind her as she went.


If one thing could be said about the blonde Angel, it was that she embodied femininity. That was the first thought most people would have when they gazed upon her form. It was a heavenly feast for your visions, so soft you could feel it with your very eyes, and with curves in just the right places that would entrance most men and make women question their own looks. Yet that was a fleeting emotion, for even more overwhelming to behold than her beauty was her divine radience. That aura of calm that swept over you like the gentle rocking of the waves at the beach, such was her presence.

And now in her haste to rush in the squirrel girl had slammed right into the Angel's front who had teleported into that one store just for the sake of her own amusement. And that was how she ended up on her back with the taller girl on top of her. With how soft her body surely it must have felt for Nanako like she was landing on a pillow.

"Oh my how violent, I haven't seen you in... You're hurt?" She could feel the taint of something thay ought not be on this girl, something she did not have the last time they'd met.


To Nanako's surprise, the step that should've taken her inside the shop was interrupted by a very pretty blonde, one that she could've sworn she recognized, at that. She didn't have the time to think it over, however, her momentum carrying her face-first into the busty blonde and bowling her over. When the dust settled, Nanako was the one on top, face buried in that soft chest and soothed by the woman's calm aura.

The squirrel girl wondered how she'd run into a pillow for a moment before reaching about blindly with her hands, finding something surprisingly soft to brace herself on, and pushed up to free her head from the comforting confines of those tits.

"Hm? Yeah, got impaled an hour ago, but that should finish healing up soon," Nanako said, giving the blonde beneath her a curious look, "Hm...We've met before, but I don't think I got your name."


"Heh getting to second base without even knowing my name, how naughty Nanako. And you do know me. It's Lulu, the bouncy Angel of Lust.." Lulu answered while giggling at the mishaps of the squirrel girl. In her attempt to get up up she'd grabbed her boobs, and now those sturdy hands were sinking into her soft cloud like tits, with only the soft fabric of her dress in the way of direct skin contact.

"By heavenly law groping the breasts of a high ranking Angel  is a sin. " A complete lie, but it would be fun to see if she could prank Nanako "Are you a sinner Nanako?" The Angel asked while barely holding her laughter back.


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