Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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Nanako blinked as she glanced down to see that she'd indeed grabbed two handfuls of those soft tits that had just been pillowing her face. The squirrel bit the corner of her lip as she looked down at Lulu, then cocked an eyebrow at what she said.

"That so? Well, in that case," Nanako said with a small smile, giving those breasts a firm squeeze, fingers sinking deeper into that divine softness, "Worth it."

Umbra of Chaos:

"What concern is that of yours? If there is any blame to assert, it is not with me." She points her finger towards the arcane towers and sorcerous workings at the true heart of the district. "Their hunger for secrets and knowledge is all-consuming. If it was not me, I am sure one of their ranks would descend upon any curiosity of note. That is the nature of those who would poke their instruments into the wounds of the world."

Her brow furrows with an irritation that borders anger. She will never understand those who so recklessly utilize their own abilities for an ideal of knowledge identical to greed. As for herself, for her sins, there are none alive who would hunt her for such a thing. The maggots and worms have stolen those secrets from their tongue. Who would wish to speak of it? She has said enough to fill the frozen hells for today. But Mai can recognize a hook, a question meant to dig and prod not for the sake of another but one's own satisfaction. At the very least, this girl does not look so deranged that it was for pleasure.

So Mai merely frowns, her hold on her sword firm. "I do not know what you wish from me, but you will not find it. My crimes are not yours. ...And you are a child. If you have committed evils, then you have a life to make up for them. If others have asked it of you, then the blame is far from yours alone."


--- Quote from: Panda on February 13, 2021, 08:03:36 PM ---Nanako

Nanako blinked as she glanced down to see that she'd indeed grabbed two handfuls of those soft tits that had just been pillowing her face. The squirrel bit the corner of her lip as she looked down at Lulu, then cocked an eyebrow at what she said.

"That so? Well, in that case," Nanako said with a small smile, giving those breasts a firm squeeze, fingers sinking deeper into that divine softness, "Worth it."

--- End quote ---


Lulu bit her lip to prevent a moan from escaping her pretty lips but even that didn't stop the reddening of her cheeks. The unmistakable flush of arousal, well she could stop that too but she didn't truly feel like it. "Really now? You're getting me real riled up here and you'll to make up for it." Her blue eyes roamed over Nanako's sublime form, she liked what she saw, toned muscles yet curves in all the right places, the perfect opposite of her own classic feminine appearance.

"you shall assist me in carrying out my mission, of spreading the gospel of lust! That shall be your penance."


The squirrel girl canted her head to the side as Lulu made her proclamation, tail swishing rapidly behind her as she was sentenced. She didn't miss the woman's reaction to the groping, smile widening a little as she met the busty blonde's eyes and held her gaze, her own bust swaying slightly under her top, hanging perilously over Lulu's.

"Oh, so that's my punishment?" Nanako giggled, "And how would I help you spread a gospel like that, hmm?"


"By offering yourself up to the desires of our believers of course!." Lulu smiled as she'd found something fun to do, a new follower to pass on the teachings and one who possessed all of the qualifications to learn the gospel.

"And you have been extraordinarily blessed for this reason." The blonde suddenly began floating upwards, which pushed the two of them to their feet, however she was still clinging to Nanako, now embracing her wholeheartedly. She was shorter than the Squirrel girl, especially so considering she wasn't even wearing any shoes on her feet. And as she embraced Nanako, her divine power gently poured into the other girl, mending whatever remained of her injuries and filled her with energy, removing any signs of fatigue she may have.

"My order exist to spread the love of the lord and to liberate lonely people who has no one for them..."


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