Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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"Oh so you wanna play ball huh? If that's how it is then I don't have any reason to hold back now do I?"

Yes with every word she spoke an ominous presence flowed over the room and it was not of the man's making. Surely it was impossible, she was entirely pinned and couldn't do anything from below the tickly massive cat that was smothering her? Surely it was all just talk?

Then why was there a murderous intent right behind him?

Don't turn around, it can't hurt you if you don't look at it.


"Ho ho. She seems to take a liking to you." His feet clapped on the ground ominously as he drew closer. Closer. Despite that his eyes and thoughts focused on his litterature.

That is, until a deathly presence smouldered his very being. Behind him, something akin true doom crept down his spine, like a cold hedge of frozen thorns sinking into his flesh.

But he did not look. Instead, he turned to the next page. As someone who already met lady death, such a threat was just the thread he danced upon with each sunrise. "That is quite the dangerous toy. Aren't you full of surprises..."

He glanced behind him. Not out of fear, but curiosity.


But it was too late.

just as he was turning around, a monstrous blue gelatinous mass assaulted his senses, invaded and perverted his very being with it's unholy form as it came crashing down upon with the fury of the scorned Gods.



For a moment, shock overcame his senses. "Wha-?" "Wha-?"

But he could not, his time had come, and the wretched creature shot him down, as God's judgment did to Satan, into the final rung of frozen stillness. His face crashed on the wooden ground, and he found moving quite difficult. No, difficult couldn't quite describe it. It was as if his very spirit was being oppressed by this malignant being.

"How... curious...." You could hear his muffled voice despite being pressed over the wood. You could also hear a muffled cry of protest from a really angry bird who happened to get stuck on the bottom of the sandwich. It was quite the despairing view.

“O human race, born to fly upward, wherefore at a little wind dost thou so fall?” He remarked sadly, trying to reach for his book which flew away in the midst of the chaos. But he could not, rooted as he was. Unbelievable, simply unbelievable...

He lost the page.


--- Quote from: Sinib on April 28, 2019, 03:50:26 AM ---Sakura

Sakura nodded, although she disliked his dismissive air. An immigration officer should be there to answer questions, no?

Not that she'd really know any better. She just swore to herself under her breath in her native Finnish before standing up and taking her place slightly in front of her mage-killing friend.

"Let's go."

--- End quote ---

House Antioch

10:30 AM

"... welcome to the Citadel."

Those were the words that followed Sakura and Edelgard out to the gatehouse, and onto the cobblestone street that followed. Down it went, a subtle sloping that allowed the pair to witness far more than they had any hope to see. They could see spires of white-washed stone rise above large wooden buildings with gambrel roofs, blocks and blocks of them all arranged around a central point. Above them all, fifty stories with a base as large as any plaza they could find, was the Tower of Antioch. Or so a brown-robed passerby explained, along the way, as they saw the pair stare up and up its way.

The sky was twilit, an untimely shroud of royal purples and vibrant reds. It swirled around a single point, a dark flame at the tower's peak that crackled with so much mana it were as if someone were sticking needles in Edelgard's eyes.

The road led not directly to this tower, but rather to a large open square bustling with stands and commerce. People of all shapes and colors moved about: conventionally attractive ones in robes or showy dresses, old men with pointed hats and beards, all kinds of staves and walking sticks. They were a noteworthy, loud minority patronizing the wares - exotic foods, spices that reached to the nose with an unregulated allure, jewelry and showpiece weapons and jars upon jars of cheap magical reagents.

Eye of newt the least among it.

But more than those were the people gathered at the edges, watched by the men and women in their armors and carrying their enchanted pikes. People with animal ears, feathers, scaled skin and gemstone eyes. Boxes moved around on carts pulled by big, burly beings who could well be men.

The bazaar of House Antioch catered to, and employed, all.


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