Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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--- Quote from: Panda on February 21, 2021, 10:23:53 PM ---Nanako

The squirrel girl perked up with the busty blonde's question, ears swiveling towards her as she hugged Lulu just a little tighter.

"That definitely...sounds like a fun time," Nanako admitted, curiosity and anticipation quivering in her voice, "But you're right, there's plenty you can do with two that you can't do with one."

"Like this!" mirth lit up the squirrel girl's eyes as she suddenly took one of Lulu's hands in her own, fingers weaving together to better hold the other girl's hand, "Now lead the way!"

--- End quote ---


"Oh I will be testing you first however. I cannot just take on a disciple who doesn't at least show herself worthy of it. That's why we're going to go to a vry sinful place.... Say Nanako, are you comfortable with being teleported? It's the fastest way there." The blonde angel smiled at her partner and there was no deceit in her voice. Just a calm gentleness that swept over the squirrel girl and was very inviting to say the least.


Nanako gave Lulu a curious look, her head tilting to one side as her tail swished eagerly behind her. All this talk about gospels and such, and now the blonde thought to test her? Still, the way she said it, it certainly sounded like it'd be fun.

"Hm, never tried it before," Nanako noted, firmly holding Lulu's hand, "Guess it's time to find out, then. Go ahead."


Lulu's smile only brightened at that response and in the next second with only a rush of air to announce their departure, the two of them were gone. And they would reappear in the Pleasure Palace just as soon as they'd left.


--- Quote from: Umbra of Chaos on February 23, 2021, 01:03:10 AM ---Mai

"For what reason?" It was not suspicious, for suspicion was reserved for those who had been burned. It was the confusion of an idea that was fundamentally foreign. "We hold nothing in common. You do not know me in any way. There is no need to rub shoulders with another simply because you both carry wounds." She turns around then, her sword at her side, and begins to walk away. But a moment of hesitation brings her footsteps to a halt. The sin of her creation? Mai looked towards her own blade. It was not evil. It was not cruel. It did not want to be born, did not want to be anything. It was not capable of such feelings.

Only she was. How infuriating.

So Mai turns around. At the very least, she cannot keep quiet about this. Even if it is tiresome and a distraction she must address it as cleanly as possible. A thorn in the foot may be ignorable for a single step, but after a thousand it is agony. "There is no sin in being born, only in creation. If that alone constitutes your sins then abhor your makers, but their evils are not yours."

That is suitable enough, is it not? She is no sage to give lessons and dispense wisdom. A few words are fitting enough for her. So she turns away and resumes her walk, blade still in hand.

--- End quote ---


Tsumiko frowned, and blinked back welling tears. She shook her head once, then a second time to cement her feelings. Tsumiko wiped her shirt with a sleeve. "No." She replied, feeling the anvil of guilt laying upon her back. The sin was hers to bear, nobody else's.

"No." Tsumiko repeated. "I don't know you in any way. You don't know me either. Can't you see, that's why I want to talk to you! I want to be your friend because you... you looked so sad! Isn't that enough?!?"

Umbra of Chaos:

She looked sad? It was almost innocent enough to make Mai giggle. There was a familiarity to it, if a faint one. It slipped across the surface of her mind. A gentle, simple kindness. A smile that was warmer than anything else. That hand, why couldn't she take that hand?" She blinks with surprise, raising her hand to her face as if to wipe away tears. But her eyes are dry. Of course they are. The real surprise is the sword in her hand, how she reflexively drew it as if to cut... to cut down a memory

Her stomach turns, and she feels vaguely sick. A nausea that she can't quite place. For the second time before this girl, Mai attempts to relax and lowers her blade. She looked sad. Was that enough? "No," she replies, her gaze distant. "It isn't. Live as well as you can, Tsumiko. May your path be shorter than mine." And she continues to walk.


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