Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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She kept her gaze low as they strode under the wonders and multicolored layers of this town level. In another time, the diversity and rich bluster of the Citadel would have amazed Edelgard. Today there was only a thin trace of envy, mixed with practical curiosity.

"Want anything, Sakura?" The warior asked, surveilling the many who were stuck with manual labor amidst the climate of opulence and fantasy.


Sakura slowly walked around starry-eyed at the opulent display of unrestrained knowledge and wealth, practically drooling at the sight of it all. She didn't really notice when Edelgard asked her question, simply walking forwards, looking for a shop that specialized in physical enhancements.


"hahahahahah.... Now yield to me, acknowledge that you were utterly beaten by me! You're not getting away now!" Even being stuck under this giant cat couldn't deter her for her celebration, a winner was a winner was a winner after all. No need to care for the losers or their lost pages or whatever. No no no.... What she did do however was something far more diabolical and cutesy.... she begun scratching the feline that was on top of her.


--- Quote from: Sinib on May 01, 2019, 10:06:10 PM ---Sakura

Sakura slowly walked around starry-eyed at the opulent display of unrestrained knowledge and wealth, practically drooling at the sight of it all. She didn't really notice when Edelgard asked her question, simply walking forwards, looking for a shop that specialized in physical enhancements.

--- End quote ---

House Antioch

Many of the shop signs here were in languages that, at first look, neither girl could understand at all. But paying more attention to them revealed the genius behind them - translation charms imbued into the wood via carved runes which made them comprehensible to anyone with even a hint of literacy. Examples included "Ward's Wards for Warriors", "Matty's Specialist Reagents," and "The Hackity Hag's Poultices." None of them have window displays exactly, except for Ward's with show pieces for weapons and armor, but they were alluring.

There were also some lines outside the doors. The two of them could overhear conversation between patrons. "... get that bullet barrier touched up yet?" "I'm trying to bargain him down a bit, ya know? He charges an arm and a leg for fixing other peoples' work..."

"... son needs more of that ah, rash cream." Another pair whispered, hushed conversation. "Well it's his fault for not going to the Luscious Angel for his demon fun, lass. Discount whores just cause trouble!" "It's not exactly close."

And so forth.


Edelgard didn't know why the name grated on her so much, but that shop for warriors got her interest. She understood the sign even though the script was unfamiliar because of magic, but the contents were more important. She felt slightly as she once did as a prospective commander, looking for the best that a new troop had to offer, despite herself.

Her companion seemed of a similar mind, and the Forsaken was soon enough near-stomping up to that shopfront, staring through the display in furrowed focus, practically looming on the two having an unrelated conversation about the price of a barrier. (The forsaken had long learned to tune out the constant buzz of chatter in big cities, a necessity of her once uprooted life.)


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