Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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The Citadel of Sorcery

The guard looked both of them over carefully for several seconds, then nodded his head. "Very well. If you will follow me to the gatehouse one of our scribes can process your immigration request. At this time of day there shouldn't be too much of a line." The armored warrior tapped his pike on the ground twice, and then Sakura could feel something in the air shift.

A subtle ward had adjusted around them. He turned to lead them to the gate and into a passage off to the side. It led to a small and functional office lined with archaic weapons all along the walls. It was full of chairs, and there was a desk in the middle. Behind it sat a hooded figure in deep grey robes who was handwriting something with a fountain pen.

He waved the guard off, silently, and then motioned for Edelgard and Sakura to take seats in front of him.

The subtle wards were no longer so subtle, settling on them with a noticeable pressure. A slight discomfort.


Edelgard stayed close to Sakura like her own shadow when they moved inside. Her companion was by no means frail, and she was someone of the arcane world, not merely versed in it, but it still made the Forsaken irrevocably nervous to stride into a stronghold of magic so boldly and with so few.

At first she made to stand to Sakura's side on her feet, placed as an observer but not a participant, but she reminded herself this was for her too, and took her seat next to the girl. She cast her gaze around, taking her impressions of the magic that surrounded them, resting her original weapon diagonally against her body, hands still wrapped loosely around it.

The other spear was strapped to her back, and covered up from tip to ip.

The Citadel of Sorcery

The scribe made them wait for another ten seconds as he apparently marked his place. He carefully placed his pen side, folded his hands in front of himself, and let out a sigh. In a soft whisper that somehow carried to the rest of the room he said, "Immigration, then. You will need to provide some demographic information, and register your magical specialty. This information will be made available by request to..."

He paused, taking another breath.

"... to interested magical orders upon request. Optional information is appreciated, such as if your magic is an innate gift or an academic... discipline."


7:30 AM


A fiery hawk soared the skies and spun trails of fire above the rooftops before diving down to the streets. Its eyes glowed as it scouted the area, surveying the corners and the cracks in the streets. Heheheh, this was too easy! These towers were no match for him, he dived and spun in the air acrobatically before taking the low ground, flying between the passerby's legs without a care, much to their panic and fright. With a snappy beak movement he snatched their purses while he was at it and cackled. This is what he lived for!


With a smug grin, he looked back and laughed, only for his eyes to widen as a horse carriage suddenly trotted right in his path, throwing him off track while he flew back and barely avoided a splash of filthy water. A screech of indignation the stolen purses to fall on the ground.

"Hey, hey, hey! Watch it you!" He snapped, unbelievably shocked by this lack of manners! Dumb animal, what did he think he was, he almost got hit by that! It wasn't his fault the traffic laws didn't abide to his whims. But just as the carriage left his field of vision, something behind it that certainly wasn't there appeared the moment it left appeared.

"You seem to enjoy yourself, little flame." An ashen figure with hair as burnt coal stared at the creature with the ghost of a smile. Despite that, its stare was as icy as a dagger in the back.

The bird gulped.


"Dammit! For the last time, I didn't steal anything! I swear! It ain't thieving if it's in broad daylight, just some friendly borrowing! C'mon, you could've let me keep the diamonds!" The flaming creature flew around the dark man, who had just finished returned the so called borrowed goods. Compared to the familiar's graceful aerial maneuvers, his stride  was much calmer and lithe, with a hint of a limp to it. His cane clacked against the hard ground and his steps carried a certain lack of weight to them.

Despite that, he seemed much heavier than someone of his size. Perhaps it was the weight of having to hear to such rambling.

"I won't hear any of it. If a pressured stone can become a gem, it'll be your turn to shine soon enough." He seemed unconcerned with the creature, instead walking towards his destination with cane in one hand and book in another, reading to his heart's content.

"Are you sure you saw her?" His silken words fell like gravity, and the bird felt a certain pressure when he spoke of that woman. "Erm, yeah! No doubt about it, she looks the part alright. You shouldn't be doubting your pal like that!" He finally decided to land on his shoulder and rest a little. "Think she'll be able to help us? With our... problem, I mean." It finally decided to ask him.

A ghost of a smile appeared on the pale man's lips. "Who knows? The threads of fate are fickle, and they are not the kind who'd smile so easily upon us. There is only one way to find out." He snapped the book shut with a dramatic gesture and stopped, for just as he said that he arrived exactly where he meant to be. Before him was a simple door.

"Kah! Sure, whatever you say Shakespeare!"

Despite the man's confident tone, for a second, he hesitated to touch the door knob. His hand flinched back for a second, and his expression grew somber. No, it wouldn't be right to just enter like this. It just... wouldn't.

He decided to take his cane and knocked on the door thrice. "Is anyone here?" He asked simply.

Sakura Edelfeldt

Magic coursed through Sakura's veins as she sat down, gripping tightly on her magic wand, as if she were holding Sapphire's hand for comfort more than anything else. She bit her lip as the wards settled down and took a deep breath.

Oh, how she hated talking about her demographics. Talking about her magical talents was fine, to an extent, but talking about her past, ugh...

She'd avoid that line of questioning, if at all possible. Some people didn't bat an eye when an obviously Asian woman called herself Finnish. Others were more probing.

She clicked her tongue before speaking up, settling down into her chair as much as she could, under the circumstances. "My name is Sakura Edelfeldt, and my companion here is named Edelgard. I'm from Finland, and am formally trained in mineralogy, alchemy, and in the study of the Imaginary Abyss."

She leaned back a bit, smiling just a tad. "Would a demonstration be helpful?"


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