Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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--- Quote from: Bern on May 02, 2019, 05:01:05 PM ---Neptune

"hahahahahah.... Now yield to me, acknowledge that you were utterly beaten by me! You're not getting away now!" Even being stuck under this giant cat couldn't deter her for her celebration, a winner was a winner was a winner after all. No need to care for the losers or their lost pages or whatever. No no no.... What she did do however was something far more diabolical and cutesy.... she begun scratching the feline that was on top of her.

--- End quote ---


The large lion purred and only sat down further on the lady, pressing down on her like she was its newfound bed and nuzzled her comfortably.

The ashen man panted and wheezed, but it was no use. His struggling vessel of paper could hardly lift the creature, let alone itself. His eyes shot at her, and yet there was no hopelessness to it. You could almost see a weak smile. "Hey. That's...not fair... I got you first this time... hehehehe..."

His expression was almost happy for a moment. Only after a moment was there hesitation; Then silence. And so it all falls back, back to how it is and has been and will ever be. And the faint smile turned into a sorrowful expression. The cat melted down into nothing, and Phenex returned into to him as well. His pale body was now again covered by tattoos that crawled into his skin, and his white hair turned black as a raven.

"Victory is yours, I suppose. May I get up?"



You could hear the disappointment in her voice as the fluffy cat disappeared, but it did no last for long. She jumped back onto her feet and turned towards the downed man.

"You can get off him now."


"I said get off him, look I get you're jealous that he had pushed down, but that doesn't mean you can crush him."


"Fine, you're unbelievable geez..... You can fuck me later ok mr. Dogoo~"

The slimey monster bounced away from the downed magician the moment those words were spoken with great speed.

"I hope you have something interesting for me after I basically sold myself for your sake~"


His eyes narrowed for a moment.

With a pained struggle, he managed to get up with his feeble limbs. Lawrence coughed sickly, trying to hold himself balanced before he wiped the dust off his ebon coat. His hands ran across his disheveled hair a bit, only enough so that he could look at her in the eye for a moment.

"Who knows? My sake is quite the meager thing." Despite his weak body, the pale man spun his cane about and let it clack on the ground, and turned away from her. He smiled.

"That demon has spread its roots about like a disease, but his influence is spread thin... for now. Perhaps we could harvest some materials."

He stepped calmly towards the exit, slowly, not even so much as looking back at her before he picked up his book and re-opened it. Ah, yes, there. Of course...

"It's your choice, but I could show you around a bit. And of course, you would be rewarded for your assistance." As he said that, his other hand reached for his pocket and revealed something amazing. Something incredible. Concealed all this time, he revealed the nectar of the gods.

It was a convenience store pudding snack.

He didn't really like sweets, you know? He just wanted to get rid of it really.


Her eyes lit up as he begun speaking off why he had actually arrived. "Oh materials? Harvest? Tell me more!"

Quick as a flash she caught up to him and wrapped her arms around his waist from behind. "What makes you think I'll just let you leave without spilling the beans on exactly what you want. Surely it can't have anything to do with those sweets you're dangling around? Her breathe tickled his ear as she leaned closer. "And don't you dare think I'm giving up on you...."

She breathed in an continued with an even softer sounding voice. "You came in and sought my help, so I'll make damn sure you leave satisfied, even if it kills me."


"Hrm, I thought you'd say that." He sighed, but really he didn't expect less. He counted on it.



He just stood there, incredibly stiff and uncomfortable.


He really needed to stop getting worked up about these things. "Very well. I suppose I'll make the first move." He raised his hand high in the air and snapped his fingers. In that moment, the ground beneath them caught fire, and in a moment they flew on top of a flaming bird at top speed. Dragged away without mercy! Where? Who knows...

"Gyahahahah! It's barbecue time!"


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