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The Citadel of Sorcery

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Sakura, without question, pushed her way through the doors into the weapons shop, excited to see what was inside.


--- Quote from: YOLF on May 03, 2019, 11:58:17 PM ---Edelgard

Edelgard didn't know why the name grated on her so much, but that shop for warriors got her interest. She understood the sign even though the script was unfamiliar because of magic, but the contents were more important. She felt slightly as she once did as a prospective commander, looking for the best that a new troop had to offer, despite herself.

Her companion seemed of a similar mind, and the Forsaken was soon enough near-stomping up to that shopfront, staring through the display in furrowed focus, practically looming on the two having an unrelated conversation about the price of a barrier. (The forsaken had long learned to tune out the constant buzz of chatter in big cities, a necessity of her once uprooted life.)

--- End quote ---

House Antioch

The inside of the workshop appeared somewhat larger than the exterior suggested. Each wall hummed with magical energy, and the sounds of pounding hammers and crackling lightning reverberated throughout the shop. The entry chamber itself was wide open, display stands for armor and weapons lining each wall. At the center was a large table where a tanned, muscular bald man with mystical tattoos up and down his arms chiseled something into hot steel plating.

"It bends, but does not break. It shares the load, stronger together..."

His words echoed with power. Two grey-robed figures held the plate in place with gloved hands, and appeared to be feeding heat into it with magic to keep it malleable while he worked.

Off to the side stood a red-headed woman in armor of her own. She kept her arms crossed, observing the process with a frown of concentration.


Edelgard hadn't seen such intensive smithing work in a while. Even before they had been banished to the Wastelands, where their magical crafts had turned to warped and horrific relics, the most revered makers among the Forsaken did not use magic; they understood the art of creation in a different way, like Edelgard understood her blades and polearms.

She walked past the group and up to the red-haired woman. "Work here?"


"Haaah, it's like harry potter..." Sakura remarked to herself, smiling at this fun new experience. She contented herself to simply watching the magical smiths at work.

House Antioch

"Unite, unite..." The smith chanted as they began to bend the material, revealing more fully the shape of the runes as they stretched across its surface. Then they started to graft more plates of metal, more ornate ones, to the piece.

The redheaded woman blinked at being addressed like that, then looked Edelgard over once. And twice, blinking a few more times. "Oh, no I wouldn't say that. I'm here waiting for them to finish putting the last touches on my order."

She smiled, and shrugged. "You know how it is; you want to celebrate your old apprentice taking on their first apprentice, but you can't get anyone in your own order to do it because they're all a bunch of gossips."

Her emerald jewelry and the gems inset in her armor hummed with an abundance of stored mana to Edelgard's eyes.


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