Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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Edelgard understood. Gossip was like poison, but people supped on it like milk, regardless of the contents. It was no wonder the woman would bring this task away from prying eyes. But as to the purpose, she frowned neutrally.

"Apprentices are... a pain." The Forsaken exhaled. Her body returned to the taut, casual state of preparation that it almost always was, staring long at the red-head. "Armor or weapon?"

Sakura Edelfeldt

Sakura gripped Sapphire tightly, holding her up to her face. "Sapp, that jewel..." She whispered, staring at it with hungry eyes.

"Yes, it is of an impressive quality, I think you should introduce-" Sakura quickly shut Sapphire up, holding her inside her pocket dimension. She was a fool, a dammned fool.

Why the hell did she say that at her normal speaking volume!?!

Sakura awkwardly walked forward, extending her hand. "Hello, my name is Sakura Edelfeldt, and this is my friend, Edelgard."

House Antioch

The redhead looked to be holding in a laugh as Sakura's magical item revealed her true motives, a hand over her mouth to cover up her smile. "T-That's an impressive bit of spatial magic you just used there, Sakura Edelfelt."

She moved her from her mouth to take hold of Sakura's, and nodded. "My name is Christina Verde. I'm a Magus of Elements from the Lapidarian Society."

Christina moved to shake Edelgard's hand too. "And I was hoping to get my apprentice some armor like mine. It's just right for channeling the mana stored in my jewels without having to hold them myself."


She shook the woman's hand with an affirmative grunt and directed her attention at said suit of armor. It looked light, but that explained its expectations clearly. It was a practical way to have your main resource accessible, and far less gruesome than what the forsaken had seen the alchemists of the eastern strands do to keep their empowering mixtures on hand.

To the warrior, the encrusted jewels also presented grave weak points and an open window to the assets you could count on in battle, but she kept that to herself.


"You practice jewel magic, Miss Verde?" Sakura asked politely, a hunger for knowledge hiding in her eyes. "I happen to be trained in the arts myself." She grasped her hand firmly, holding it tightly as she shook it. "I'd be honored if you could demonstrate your prowess to a novice like myself."


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