Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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Her eyes hadn't kept still during the time they'd been walking, constantly assessing their surroundings for escape routes, weak points, and the magics shown by those that frequented these routes. A portion of her actions was intuition, and a portion was training, which she was comfortable to recall.

She was only half-processing the conversation, but Edelgard was here as Sakura's escort anyway. It was unimportant for her role at this moment. Nevertheless, some notes of Sakura's story made the warrior contemplate. She reflected on the circunstances of the mage, and her own past.

"Started... decades ago," she answered. Edelgard could not truly say that she practiced exactly, outside of the rare times when one or the other of her spells turned the direction of a battle in a time of need. It was a tool to her, and she did not improve it because her priorities had not aligned.

Christina Verde

The magic seemed to grow fainter the further from the central tower they moved, as if everything in the area that wasn't tied up in a spell or enchantment or someone's body was being drawn up to that singular point. And yet the sky was still filled with the royal colors of a perpetual twilight, the noon day sun entirely obscured by the arcane miasma that engulfed the district. They sensed small wards here and there, intruder alarms and pest controls, and saw from time to time beings who seemed human but whose eyes and subtle seamed joints shone with an inner mana.

Christina let out a hum of interest at Sakura's story. "Unfortunately, huh? Interesting." She seemed to think for a moment, tapping her lips and then turning around to start walking backwards. She showed plenty of curiosity now as she watched both of them. "The Imaginary Abyss, was it? You mean your spatial magic? Well, hopefully Magister Mantala or one of her Magi have an opening for you then. Our Department of Spatial Studies is one of the best in the Nexus!" Christina winked at that, and traced a circle in the air with her index finger.

But then she frowned, slowing down their pace. "Circuits... where have I heard that term before? You mean your internal mana reserves? I know I've heard it..."


12:00 pm

"come on Eru we're almost there, if you drag your feet behind anymore then I swear I'll find a way to shrink your boobs until they're smaller than mine."  Amanda threatened her partner, jokingly. But was it really a joke with the ways her eyes were spinning.

" it's so unfair.... " She turned around and hung her head in defeat. The two of them were almost at the Citadel of Sorcery now, it's towering gates welcoming them in the distance.


--- Quote from: Aiden on May 23, 2019, 11:24:34 PM ---Christina Verde

The magic seemed to grow fainter the further from the central tower they moved, as if everything in the area that wasn't tied up in a spell or enchantment or someone's body was being drawn up to that singular point. And yet the sky was still filled with the royal colors of a perpetual twilight, the noon day sun entirely obscured by the arcane miasma that engulfed the district. They sensed small wards here and there, intruder alarms and pest controls, and saw from time to time beings who seemed human but whose eyes and subtle seamed joints shone with an inner mana.

Christina let out a hum of interest at Sakura's story. "Unfortunately, huh? Interesting." She seemed to think for a moment, tapping her lips and then turning around to start walking backwards. She showed plenty of curiosity now as she watched both of them. "The Imaginary Abyss, was it? You mean your spatial magic? Well, hopefully Magister Mantala or one of her Magi have an opening for you then. Our Department of Spatial Studies is one of the best in the Nexus!" Christina winked at that, and traced a circle in the air with her index finger.

But then she frowned, slowing down their pace. "Circuits... where have I heard that term before? You mean your internal mana reserves? I know I've heard it..."

--- End quote ---


Sakura blinked. She stopped moving, paused, brought her finger to her chin, and thought carefully.

Right. She was in another world now. She couldn't just speak magese and expect everyone to understand it, anymore.

That was weird.

"Well, that's part of it, but they also determine how much I can output, as well. The quantity and quality of a circuit is the most important consideration when talking about the innate talent of a mage."

She shrugged theatrically, holding her hands up in the air. "Me and my-sister-had the same quality, so my father decided the best course of action would be to ship me off halfway around the globe to a cold country whose language I didn't speak."

Oddly, she was smiling as she described what sounded like a traumatic event.


Edelgard tilted her head at Sakura. Her stiffness didn't match the way her expression bent in cheerful politeness. The warrior was ignorant of the more guarded ways or customs of spellcaster clans and orders, but she was quite familiar with this concept.

"Fosterage is a useful tradition. Chance to learn beyond means of your birth," the Forsaken commented. "Dissatisfied? What was wrong?"


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