Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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--- Quote from: YOLF on May 25, 2019, 04:03:11 AM ---Edelgard

Edelgard tilted her head at Sakura. Her stiffness didn't match the way her expression bent in cheerful politeness. The warrior was ignorant of the more guarded ways or customs of spellcaster clans and orders, but she was quite familiar with this concept.

"Fosterage is a useful tradition. Chance to learn beyond means of your birth," the Forsaken commented. "Dissatisfied? What was wrong?"

--- End quote ---


"It's not fosterage if you never go back and are forbidden from contacting them, Edelgard." Sakura answered curtly. "It's abandonment."


--- Quote from: Bern on May 24, 2019, 06:17:23 PM --- Amanda

12:00 pm

"come on Eru we're almost there, if you drag your feet behind anymore then I swear I'll find a way to shrink your boobs until they're smaller than mine."  Amanda threatened her partner, jokingly. But was it really a joke with the ways her eyes were spinning.

" it's so unfair.... " She turned around and hung her head in defeat. The two of them were almost at the Citadel of Sorcery now, it's towering gates welcoming them in the distance.

--- End quote ---

The Citadel of Sorcery

The border between the Citadel and the many surrounding districts was unlike any other. Where most borders build up as close to their borders as possible, here there was a small no-mans-land between the enormous  walls and the closest outsider structures. The wall itself went up and up, taller than any nearby building and visibly absorbing the sunlight into itself. It shone with that harnessed power, and added to it a lovely azure hue that threatened to crackle out like lightning. The sky above and beyond the wall though was a blend of wintery white and twilit purples, and snow was gently falling.

Looming even above the wall were a pair of enormous crystalline towers built into the back of the wall facing inward. Atop the ramparts were quartets of squat beings, frosty of complexion and carrying enormous harpoons seemingly made of ice. At the gates were lines of silent, floating sentinels - empty armors animated by electrically charged mana given shape and will by powerful spells.

Yet despite this militant welcoming, people from all around were lining up to enter.


--- Quote from: Sinib on May 25, 2019, 04:12:41 AM ---Sakura

"It's not fosterage if you never go back and are forbidden from contacting them, Edelgard." Sakura answered curtly. "It's abandonment."

--- End quote ---

Christina Verde

"... that is pretty messed up."

It was so much so that she actually stopped in her tracks, looking between the two prospective magi cautiously.

"Why would a magical family not want to keep as many members with compatible traits as they could, anyway? It's not like you can only share the knowledge with one of them."


Her furrowing brows formed a deep crease like a canyon, casting a shadow over her eyes. "I don't understand. Fosterage creates ties, produces family thicker than blood, but keeps birth links."

She spoke such with a heavy, unsure tone, shaking her head. It was as if she'd swallowed acid. "Waste."


"Ahahaha, you're more than fine in your other assets." Eru slapped Amanda's ass lightly as they waited in line, looking idly at the immense guardhouse and wall. Its scale was fairly impressive, all in all, despite most of the mages shortcomings.

Their petty politicing was such a bore, honestly. At least she'd met her good friend Neptune there.

As she bobbed back and forth, waiting, she leaned over, poking Amanda with an ear. "I could help you with that, you know?"


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