Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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She sent a glare in the way of the Elf for her improper conduct in public, it wouldnt do to have a Chief been seen touched like this.

The line was long but when they finally reached the guard house, she couldn't help but word out her irritation to the guards. "I don't remember  the entrance lines being anywhere near this long, are you holding a festival in there?" Maybe they'd feel sorry and afraid for their jobs for having made a Chief wait this long to enter, she didn't count on it though. While she was famous enough to be recognizable, she wasn't quite sure how they'd react to a famous outsider magician.

The Citadel of Sorcery

The head guard, a blue-skinned man with glowing white eyes, a shocking white beard wearing stereotypical sorcerer robes with a hood over his head, carrying a staff, was flanked on each side by a trio of the phantasmal warriors who lined the rest of the entry. "Her Majesty's Winter Festival is soon to be underway for the rest of the season, miss. We are simply checking for enchantments that may disrupt the intended atmosphere."

He inclined his head, and motioned to the snowy road leading within. "Please, avail yourself of the festivities and the local wares."


"Hmmph." She shook her head at the man, intertwining her long, slender fingers with Amanda's as she pulled her inside. She glanced around a few times before turning to face the only thing of note, her fiancee, Amanda, and her beautiful eyes.

The elf smiled at her. "So, which way is the shop? Do you come here often?"

? ? ?

"Oi, ya bitches need to get in line, the big boss has said so."

Something pushed through the crowd with overwhelming strength and power, actually it would be more accurate to say they moved out of the way by their own will even if they had not intended to.

It was a tall man with wild hair and even wilder eyes.

"Y-you...." Amanda stammered as she saw him, her eyes widening just the slightest in fear and apprehension. Why HIM? Out of them all it had to be him...

"So you're retarded too... can't say I wasn't expecting much from someone as trash as you but to think you're hanging out with one of them even after the big man himself forbade it. You're just begging for a spanking aren't ya!"

"The Ten Swords don't have the authority to act he-"

"Shut the fuck up bitch, ya don't get to talk unless I tell ya to." He directed his gaze at that thing with the pointy ears. "She's quite the fine catch though, I might be willing to overlook some thing if ya give her to me."

The Citadel of Sorcery

The blue creature in the robes coughed, loudly, and his retinue of summoned beings arrayed themselves around the sudden interlopers. "Sir, I would recommend you cease to harass people in such proximity to Her Majesty's sector of the district."


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