Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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Eru's eyes flashed red, looking into his soul, reading what he could do like an open book. "I believe that I'm perfectly free to act however I please, human."



It wasn't the men insisting him to leave, it was that thing, snooping around in places that it shouldn't.

"I love it, loooove it, feeling this right, ya are aaaaallll retarded."

Amanda grasped Eru's shoulder. "He's a magic null, don't piss him off."

"WAAAAAAY TOOOOO LATE FOR THAT...... HAHAHAHA......HAHA.......Ya two follow me or I'll start going reeaal wild and everyone here will have a bad day."


"Oh, how bothersome. Your abilities are rather interesting, human~" She giggled girlishly, as if she weren't terribly worried about him. "You not only null magic, but also other supernatural abilities? No wonder Amanda was having so much trouble with you lot."

The Citadel of Sorcery

"Sir, I will insist upon your departure if you persist in threatening those seeking entry." The guard raised his voice this time, striking his staff upon the chilly earth. The sound of thunder accompanied it. "Take your quarrel elsewhere!"


--- Quote from: Aiden on May 25, 2019, 04:27:44 AM ---
--- Quote from: Sinib on May 25, 2019, 04:12:41 AM ---Sakura

"It's not fosterage if you never go back and are forbidden from contacting them, Edelgard." Sakura answered curtly. "It's abandonment."

--- End quote ---

Christina Verde

"... that is pretty messed up."

It was so much so that she actually stopped in her tracks, looking between the two prospective magi cautiously.

"Why would a magical family not want to keep as many members with compatible traits as they could, anyway? It's not like you can only share the knowledge with one of them."

--- End quote ---


Sakura chuckled a bit, dryly, as if what Christina had said was rather humorous. "Yes, that would be nice, wouldn't it?"


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