Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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It looked quite tranquil, even with the small, sorcerous details that dotted the landscape, reminding her this was not merely a pleasant, natural estate, but a residence of mages. She blinked, refocusing on the woman. Edelgard wondered if the brightness of her expression was pride for the legacy of generations that this seeming oasis was.

The forsaken's teeth scratched each other under her pursued lips. She hummed in affirmation.


--- Quote from: Bern on May 28, 2019, 05:05:21 PM --- ? ? ? ?


He suddenly shook his head and hit his ear.

"Whatta you mean pull back? I was just gonn- Fine Fine I'll leave, but don't think this'll be the last ya see of me, Ya hear that!!"

Amanda let out a sigh of relief as he the crazed men limped away, yeah limped, it looked like his left leg wasn't quite as sturdy as his right. "Don't even think about fighting him, for people like us he's the worst enemy." she spoke up quickly knowing Eru would probably do something drastic otherwise.

--- End quote ---


Eru stuck her tongue out, putting her arm protectively in front of Amanda as he limped away. "Oh, he's nothing too special~ I've fought golems made of nullsteel before~ they were guarding the tomb of Ahkententum, a great and powerful lich~"

She began telling a story in her typical, carefree, singsongy voice. She wrapped.her arm around Amanda, pulling her close. "I just need to hire an adventurer helper or two, and we'll be invincible!" She waved her hand in front of them, towards the snow.


As the conversation died down into an awkward, painful silence, Sakura's eyes slowly traveled down from Christina's face towards her ample bosom, settling on it for a good ten seconds as she took the girl's bountiful assets in.

She swallowed when she finally spoke, nodding silently. Her eyes traveled back up and nodded.
As they entered, Sakura's eyes wandered, widening. This level of magic was making her feel overwhelmed, and more than a little ill.

It was making her dizzy and nausous. She simply wasn't made to deal with this level of ambient magical energy, and her circuits were starting to buzz, whirring inside her. She put a hand up against a tree, her eyes again settling on Christina's assets. They were familar, and comforting.

"Sorry, I'm-not used to this."

Christina Verde

If Christina noticed where Sakura's eyes kept going, she didn't comment on it. Then again, it was likely she had a lot of experience with being stared at already. When they stopped at that tree the red-headed magus turned, and her eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, I forgot!"

She hurried over to Sakura and placed the back of her hand against the purple-haired girl's forehead. "People who aren't acclimated for high-mana environments take some time to adjust. Because you can use magic you shouldn't have to worry about any long-term effects, at least."

Christina frowned in concern though, and reached into her satchel with her free hand to fish something out. It was... an amethyst? She removed her hand from Sakura's forehead, and placed the amethyst against it instead. "Here, channel some of your internal reserves into this. If you make space your body can start the process faster."

The Citadel of Sorcery

The guards did not stand down until the abrasive man was out of sight altogether, and even then the harpooners were just looking for an excuse to throw icy, spear-y death down upon him from atop the walls. The lead guardian inclined his head. "You may proceed inside, if you can say we will have no more unpleasant surprises."


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