Author Topic: Pine Garden  (Read 88647 times)


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1335 on: August 20, 2020, 04:23:22 AM »

"Mael?...." The Angel scratched her newly grown horns in confusion, well not entirely in confusion as they were feeling pretty itchy but definitely it was definitely a big factor, probably.

Her sword stopped chasing him as she watched him begin to fly away.

"Aruna stop. Leaving him be will bring more truths to light in time."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1336 on: August 21, 2020, 12:20:16 AM »

Aruna's eyes widened, then he fell to his knees.  The glow on his arm faded and the light from his wings disappeared into the void.  "CURSE THAT MAN!  What in heaven?!  He.... he is alive?!  How... how would he know that?!"

The demon turned his head towards Lulu.  It wasn't that he hadn't heard her, but the full weight of her words, the ones that she kept piling on his back, finally caused him to collapse under their weight.  All this time wasted pondering the way of the world and to what end?  The realization he made back then, the pointlessness of light and dark, the inaccuracy of a binary world, he had still acted on it.  Why?  Because in the end, the feelings controled him more than the logic itself.  Indeed it was only in that moment of desperation that he broke free, but he went right back to it.

Enough was enough.

Red eyes turned towards the angel.  "I think its about time I told you where I got this power from."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1337 on: August 21, 2020, 07:31:16 PM »

The angel stopped fiddling with her newly grown horns and turned to him fully for second, she appeared to be thinking about something, weighing the ups and downs of what to say next.

"I don't care."

She approached him with a much calmer disposition than she had expressed just mere moments ago, her rage was finally cooling off now that the annoyance had been dealt with. But that merely lead her back to the previous frustrating situation, the person that couldn't accept themselves and therefore kept running.

"Your powers aren't what defines you Aruna, You're the one who does..." She had closed in all the way one close enough to touch, to feel... Her gentle aura embraced, even so as his magic still coursed through her there was a rough edge to it. Perhaps it was the remains of his inner conflict made manifest.

"Where you got your powers from doesn't really matter, it's what you do with them that does."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1338 on: August 21, 2020, 10:12:40 PM »

"Yeah.... I realize that now."

Aruna reached out and wrapped his palms around her hips, pulling her into his body.  The warm aura enveloped him, his heartbeat slowing with each passing moment.  The adrenaline of the fight gave way to a unique calm.  It was the kind that came from a sunken heart dragged down by the day's accomplishments and struggles, but one undeniably proud.  "I wonder if you've ever tasted the power of darkness before.  The horns came from my magic right?  I wonder if you manifested the kinds of horns we have.  Many female demons shapeshift powerful but sensitive horns."

As he awaited her response, his lips began to move.  A darkness flowed from his body and into the ruins of the mansion.  The debris became pitch black, before growing and morphing.  Some bits flew into others, while some matter simply grew and changed shape.  The basement ceiling began to stretch, eating up the dust and debries lying around.  Bookshelves were completely restored, although the books were no where to be found.  Bathtubs were crafted from mana, while walls were rebuilt with the scattered matter.

The truth was that the real reason he needed the foolish human's money was to buy the land, not the house.  So long as he had the land, he could do whatever he wanted to the house without violating human laws and thus keep the bigger fish away from him.

"You know, when I brought up my powers, I wasn't just talking about me.  They were gifted to me, or rather thrown on me.  I've accepted the responsibility of collecting the scattered pieces of that man and I carry his power as a part of me."

If he is alive, maybe I should give it back.... he thought to himself.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2020, 02:37:18 AM by yinsukin »


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1339 on: August 22, 2020, 10:01:36 PM »

"I haven't yet but...."

Her own red eyes shimmered with bare restrained passion as Aruna pulled her close by the hips. She barely had any time to enjoy the way his hands sank into her soft skin before she was pushed into him. Lulu could feel the subtle desire in his grip and she gasped out loudly as her body made contact with his, first her full breasts got squished against his muscular chest. The Angel squirmed in response, appearing to want get away yet only making it so she rubbed up against even more so.

"We could fix that when you fuck my throat... And you can hold onto my new horns now, since you'd need a lot of leverage to get your fat cock all the way down, don't you think?"


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1340 on: August 23, 2020, 04:12:26 AM »

Palms pressed against her hips, his long demonic fingers sinking into the very edge of her perfectly shaped ass.  Those impossibly soft breasts pressed against his chest rubbing every inch of it as she squirmed in his grip.

"Well I will admit it is nice for wrestling," he said, flashing a shark toothed grin.  A hand slid down her belly and between her legs, dancing along her folds ever so slightly.  Each movement was deliberate, calculated.  A quick touch was followed by his finger sliding in along her inner thigh.  "You must be tense from the battle.  Let me help."

Aruna's black demonic mouth pressed against those soft angelic lips.  His own magic rushed from her body into his, the haze spell being sucked right out of her body.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2020, 03:00:17 PM by yinsukin »


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1341 on: August 25, 2020, 12:48:39 AM »


She gasped into the kiss as her hips jerked forward by his touch. Her folds were drenched, so wet infact that a clear liquid could be seen trailing down her thighs. It was the rush of battle but more than that, it was the feeling of his essence coursing through her that had put her in this state. And now she wanted to be with him for real, as close as possible and truly them come together.

But mixing his essence with her, and infusing her with his power had spiked her aggressiveness and she would have none of this.

"Aruna..." The angel actually growled his name in a threatening way. She pushed him back with sudden aggression and shoved him against one of the newly rebuilt walls. "Stop teasing me like this or I'll rip your dick off and fuck you with it okay."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1342 on: August 25, 2020, 02:23:18 AM »

Oh hell on earth..

The growling inspired something primal in him, a desire to destroy her with the great tool betwen his legs.  With his fingers already between her thighs, he peeled apart her fishnet stockings.  Her panties dropped to the ground, split in half by the claw like fingernails of Aruna, all with a simple flick.  Two hands glided up her smooth belly, resting on her breasts.  With a gentle squeeze, he lifted her off the ground by her generous breasts.  One hand moved to her crotch, while a long tongue snaked from his mouth, entering her folds and splashing her essence all over his demonic face.

"As you wish my dear Lulu..." he said, his demonic eyes flaring with anticipation.

A simple flick between her folds became a rapid flicking along her angelic clit, faster and faster until the demon had achieved superhuman speeds.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2020, 02:23:59 AM by yinsukin »


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1343 on: September 04, 2020, 03:43:53 AM »

A crimson flame lit an otherwise pitch black room, shadows from the light flickering with the fire's form.  The demon was in a leaner version of his demonic form, less visible muscle, but still a masculine build.  His horns could be seen from the back of the couch, as well as the sculpted lines of his back.  Red eyes glowed even in the presence of fire, while a shark tooth grin cast its judgement into the flame, into the past few hours.

It had been a while since he had time to simply relax on a human couch.  The seat cushion gave way to his firm butt, letting him sink into it as the heat from the fire enveloped him.  To his side, the guardian angel he never asked for sat.  Still, looking into the flame, it was hard not to be satisfied.  A force like fire only reminded him of his own potential destruction without her.

"With the apologies out of the way, I think its time I gave you a reward," he said, turning his head to the side and cracking his neck with a quick rotation.  "I have some pent up energy still from earlier and I think I know what will be a good present."
« Last Edit: September 04, 2020, 04:20:50 AM by yinsukin »


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1344 on: September 05, 2020, 05:25:54 PM »

"Oh, and what might that be?"

The Angel was sitting beside him on the couch and leaning onto him with her smaller frame, all of her delicious curves pressing into him with clear lustful intention, yet the Angel hadn't made a move yet.

"Your Angel is a very needy girl, if you start giving her stuff she won't stop taking and taking...." As she spoke, one of her hands traveled up his thighs and grabbed his balls in one swift motion. A somewhat unintended function of her life force restoring aura was causing a strange sensation to spread through his balls with every squeeze. This function though initially unintended, was still very much appreciated since some locally applied amounts to say a man's balls would super charge the semen production to many times the normal amount.

And that was precisely what was happening here.

"It's also my job to make sure these are drained." Lulu had to struggle to not show how much she was enjoying this torturous tease of her Demon, with just a few gentle squeezes of her hands, she could give him the equivalent to hours upon hours of blue balling... And it only got better with each squeeze. Normally she wouldn't use this too much, but for some reason she was feeling particularly sadistic today....
« Last Edit: September 05, 2020, 05:30:09 PM by Bern »


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1345 on: September 05, 2020, 07:12:53 PM »

The delicate but purposeful touch of her soft hands along his thighs would have been enough to get him to grow, but that touch did something to him.  The shaft just above the balls she was fondling began to grow, rise, extend into a thick barely graspable rod, something Lulu would only barely be able to enclose her hands around.  He could feel those soft breasts pressing into his body, forcing a relaxed groan from his demonic lips.  The natural aura she projected practically multiplied this effect, causing his muscles to relax in response to her touch.

"You know, one of my favorate human phrases is that you shouldn't bite the hand that feeds you," he said, one hand reaching for her horns, the other for her breasts.  Both hands squeezed with his full strength, unable to practice any restraint.  His thighs were shaking with anticipation.  Aruna refused to give into this little game of hers and relinquish all sexual power.  "I don't want to hurt you again you know."

Demons already produced much more semen than regular humans.  The effect caused Aruna's balls to swell on her grip and his now hard dick to twitch.   When he did cum, it would be the most he ever had in his entire life.  Still, he couldn't let himself cum too early, not before he finished her off himself.  He would have to play the long game here, feel out what makes her feel good and go for the kill.

After all, it was time to give back to her.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1346 on: September 06, 2020, 04:02:40 PM »

The soft flesh of her tits welcomed his touch and his fingers sunk into them readily. but even with hands as large as his, her breasts were still a bit too big to all fit in a single grasp. The touch to her horns had a different effect on her though, unlike her breasts which was met with mild encouragement, Lulu didn't show much reaction to having her horns grabbed.

Her hand kept pumping at his balls as she chose to address that. "Why are you grabbing my horns like that? Did I miss something when I transformed? If I did I could fix that now...." She looked at him in interest, fascinated by the odd response to her touch.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1347 on: September 06, 2020, 04:49:17 PM »

Aruna's greedy sharktoothed smile widened as he watched his hands become engulfed in the soft pillows on her chest.  His hard almost sharp demonic hands had only the dough like tension of her boobs to fight back against his hands.  Red demonic eyes narrowed, staring at the angels face with a glance that almost seemed to be photographing her within his own mind.

"There is nothing wrong with your body," he said, letting the hand on her horns slide down to her cheek.  "Even a shapeshifter shouldn't talk like that.  You see, some demons choose to make certain body parts sensitive during sex, create other secondary sex characteristics.  Wings and horns are a favorite."

The hands continued to shake, but started to steady.  This talk was giving him a little time to collect himself.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1348 on: September 07, 2020, 02:31:03 PM »

"Ah so that's what it was hehe... Wait just a second." Lulu closed her eyes and she adopted a look of intense concentration for a few seconds, then she opened her red eyes and met his gaze with joy. "There all done, I haven't done that with horns before but lets see how that goes..."

As she spoke the Angel scooted back a bit and leaned forward to place her upper body on level with his crotch but more importantly his aching length. "Gotta lube you up now before we really get started..." The hand that was caressing his balls moved up to the base of his shaft and grasped it, her fingers could barely encircle his girth but it was enough for her to hold it steady as she got closer and delivered a kiss to the tip of his cock.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1349 on: September 08, 2020, 12:29:52 AM »

Every muscle on Aruna's body visibly tensed as the soft hands wrapped around his shaft.  Curious hands that had been retracted while Lulu changed the properties of her body sprang forward once again, grabbing the horns in both hands.

"Some demons even hold the bodies of their enemies on their heads just before sex to prove their worth, but personally I found that a little macho," he said, squeezing them with a twist of his wrist and a decent but not overwhelming amount of pressure.  "I meant what I said however.  The way you make your body so soft but tender is incredibly sexy, such a creative consistency.  I could play with your breasts alone for hours."

With her horns in hand, he squeezed as he pushed her further into his dick, prompting her to take more of it in.