Author Topic: Pine Garden  (Read 88713 times)


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1440 on: June 10, 2021, 10:53:10 PM »
To whom it may concern,

The dearest patron, demonic and most esteemed lady of this fine castle. Here you will find the due payment for our previous transactions, as well as for the newest acquisition due later today. As promised, 45 crates of solid gold, exactly 666 rubees, 13 sappphire wands, 7... chaos (was this correct?) emeralds, ten tons of prime wagyu beef, 3 elephants and a pony.

Truth be told, I can't fathom a pocket large enough to fit the ponies, but someone in the administration level seemed quite insistent on its necessity. Even a king must know when to be generous to one's subjects, but what is something even greater than that to do? Well, I wasn't about to relinquish your kindness, thus I found it in my heart - and credit card, juuuust enough to cover a few extra ponies. The 11 additional ones will be transported shortly. You can raise them, ride them, donate them to charity, put them in today's soup... truth be told, I care not. I simply wish to thank you for your past hospitalities, and that warrants the extra effort. Not that it was much to begin with, something like this would be trivial to me. Except the emeralds, I'm still unsure what exactly the notes meant to say. And since when did you employ a doctor... Robotnik? Quite the strange name.

Either way, as promised, our terms were met in full. Now, as agreed, I would kindly request your cutest maiden to assist me at my behest. My household required laborious tending, and my bones are oh so aching for -

Unfortunately, the rest of the note was illegible. In fact, a pony was in the middle of chewing it up.

Not that it'd need a signature. Only one person in the city had a handwriting this delicate and adorable.

It started with V. Ended with ega, which was one letter away from the massive ego you'd need to send something like this in the first place.


Ding Dong.

What kind of cruel machination was this? What devilish architecture was behind this abominable design?it had to have been intentional, the door bell was just out of her reach unless she went up on her tiptoes and she refused to fold to a door in such a way. Which left her with only one option,  an Almost as embarrassing option.

Ringing the door bell with the heart shaped tip of her long and flexible tail. She shuddered, partly from the shame of using her most noble appendage like this but mostly because the pressure to the tip of her tail was enough to make her knees tremble from just how insanely good it felt.

She clenched the hand that held what remained of the letter and it was the reason for why she was here. As ridiculous as it appeared, a contract was still a contract and he had requested a maiden be delivered to him. Since they currently had no true virgins working for the Palace, that left her as the least experienced Succubus and therefore as the most maidenly.

Soothing the aches of whoever had sent such an extravagantly ludicrous gift would at the very least prove to be really interesting. Not to mention  that completing a contract of this scale would boost her standings a tad.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1441 on: June 12, 2021, 01:38:21 AM »


A certain someone watched the girl struggle with two marbled eyes full of mirth and curiosity. Of course, he was enjoying it - had to be. But alas, all things are beautiful for they are ephemeral in their beauty. Like fireworks, or the flashing smile of a damsel. Only one thing was absolute, eternal.

His brilliance? Of course, but that went without saying. Nay, it was the joy he felt teasing adorably cute succubi.

Which was why just as her time was at her direst, just as the despair and darkness swept her heart for the climax... he too swooped in, freefalling from the tree he was hiding in gracefully as an acrobat, and landing perfectly on his feet without making a sound - right behind the adorable redhead.

"Hello there."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1442 on: June 13, 2021, 07:33:14 PM »


Her tail shot up straight, pointing like an arrow into the sky as she jumped in surprise. The moment she landed though she turned on her heels and faced whoever had leapt down "You-you.... You saw nothing okay!" She stomped the ground hard enough for it to crack and huffed in annoyance.

This embarrassment absolutely could  not and would not be spread anywhere. She breathed in deeply, once, twice, and even three times before she calmed down and her tail went back down to lazily flap behind her. "Are you... Are you master Vega?" There wasn't a hint of anger or irritation in her voice, as if the past few seconds hadn't even happened.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1443 on: June 14, 2021, 01:16:31 AM »

Vega smiled and laughed warmly. My, she truly was cute as a button, he'd have expected no less from Elizabeth. "Oh yes, that would be me. And I'm terribly afraid I've seen every bit of it."

Truth be told, he wasn't. He wasn't even sorry.

Not phased in the least by the crack she caved on the floor, he stepped forth with a lithe suave swagger and offered his hand. "But please, no need to call me that, just Vega will do. It's a pleasure, and I trust the travel wasn't too troublesome? I can have some tea made if you'd like."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1444 on: June 15, 2021, 05:39:48 PM »

"Noope~" Lily shook her head and bowed, while pointedly ignoring the offered hand shake. "We at the Pleasure Palace take our services very seriously, and it is completely improper for you to shake hands with me or make tea for me. If anything that task should fall on me to serve you tea. Being professional maids is only one of the many services granted to someone as important as you Master Vega"

The short redhead only now came up from the bow. "Unfortunately most of your reqest was swallowed by one of the ponies and I'm terribly sorry but you'll have to inform me what you want Master. With your level of generosity you can demand almost anything." The flushing of her cheeks and the twitching of her tail was the only sign that she was flustered by his words. Well that and the heat she was giving off, being next to her right now would be like basking in a perfectly heated sauna.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1445 on: June 17, 2021, 03:53:46 PM »

"Pft." Vega stifled a chuckle before it got to escape his lungs, but he had to cover his mouth for a moment.

Ponies? My god, ponies. Okay, yep, I did do that. Ahhh, how I wish I could've seen their faces then.

Yet his amusement was short lived, as the warmth soon took over, something he appreciated visibly. Beaming like the sun, he flicked his licks back smoothly.

"Ohoh. My. I can't tell where the air starts and my skin begins." Vega basked in what was basically the perfect temperature. "If you put it that way, I can't possibly object. Very well, I would enjoy tea made by a high rank succubus very very much. Oh, and afterwards, I will have you escort me to a most important mission. I require new clothes see, and I'd love your company in this ordeal."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1446 on: June 17, 2021, 04:23:19 PM »

Her flushed cheeks darkened to an ever rosier red and she glanced away for a moment before the tension seemingly evaporated from her form. But most peculiar was the feeling of the heat that surrounded, it stopped merely being there and now it felt like it enveloped him in an very heartfelt hug.

"The...the heat you're feeling is my essence, it's part of me. I'm not just a Succubus, I'm an Elemental too. I-if you want to bask some more in me you'd have to follow me to the kitchen master, since I can only extend it so far." Her tail was swishing back and forth behind her, not unlike an excited dog.

She wanted him to come, she wanted it so much it almost surprised her. Her time at the Tower had left her simply craving this more sensual affection.

"You don't have to of course, I was just saying in case you wanted to..."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1447 on: June 17, 2021, 07:05:14 PM »

Vega's expression turned sterner, like an iron mask. Yet how could something so hardened and cold be so beautiful?

"Indeed. I don't have to. Contractually, there is no obligation for me to do anything."

That's when the smile returned, or maybe it never left. Its as if her warm aura was enough to melt the coldest of ice. "And yet I will. In fact I'd love to. Ah, but on one condition. If you could carry me there, my feet are oh so very tired. Fret not, the door is unlocked."

And without warning, he glamorously fell in her arms like the hapless petals of a cherry tree. But there was something sinister brewing. An evil behind this intent.

With her arms occupied, the only limb that could turn the knob... was her tail. Such cruelty was something that would make a demon king blush. But its not like there wasn't anything she could gain out of it either.

Maybe because of how close they were, but if she was sensitive in any way to other people's life forces, she'd be able to tell how young the man was - not even in his twenties. It was practically a cornucopia of youth and vitality, something totally unlike the baseless rumors of a feared assassin, or the reputation he had of an experienced performer. But even if she weren't, there was one thing she could tell for sure.

Even a vessel this immature was overflowing with desire and ambition.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2021, 08:01:07 PM by Kotomine_Rin »


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1448 on: June 17, 2021, 11:14:29 PM »

Oh he was so full of desire and so in tune with what he wanted, it felt great just being near him and the closer he got, the better it got. Despite their great size difference Lily caught him gracefully and lifted him with no disturbance whatsoever. There was no unsteadiness  in her grip, however he did take up both of her hands.

Which presented a problem once she skipped over to the door. Lily bit her lip as her tail extended and coiled around. With how sensitive it was was, deliberately wrapping it around something and applying pressure still made her knees tremble. She would absolutely not show her master how good it felt. And she definitely wouldn't moan.

And then she moaned as the door slid open, her attempts to keep crumbling under the raw onslaught of emotion. At least she wasn't falling over anymore. A few months ago this would have had stumbling over. Still her steps were a bit shakey as she carried him in. Closing the door behind them with her tail forced another moan out of her.

Actively using her tail was still too much for her, and she hoped he wouldn't make her do it more, but her hopes weren't high. And she still didn't know where the kitchen was.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1449 on: June 18, 2021, 12:15:51 AM »

Was he enjoying this?


"Oooh! Muy bien! You're so strong, my cute red devil." He pecked her on the cheek with affection. Nothing but a small dainty kiss - nothing so passionate as you'd expect. But heartfelt, in its own small way. He'd be lying if he said he didn't find her hold pleasant, it truly was like being in a warm place. What a dangerous thing, two bodies this close. It all it made his heart throb in all sorts of excitements! And with a serene smile, he basked in it.

By now they were already indoors, surrounded by his glorious abode. That's when those unexpected words escaped him, sweet as nectar.

"And admirable. I'm no fool, even I can see when someone puts their all into a task. Even if it's your job, you're going above and beyond commendably. Such commitment... it deserves a reward, no?"

WHOOOSH! And with the grace of an acrobat, he slid off her hands with a backflip like a ninja, sneaking behind her before lifting her off the ground by the waist.

"Don't you dare tell me no miss. I've bought you under contract for the day, and I shall do what I please with my own proprietad. You do realize telling me something is improper just makes me want to do it more, right?"


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1450 on: June 19, 2021, 07:03:01 PM »

Lily blinked. She wasn't used to clients that wanted to pamper her. But such a thing would happen sooner or later, and that time was now. She came to a stop as he leapt out of her arms and didn't react as moved behind her to pick her up. She felt him grab her by the waist, she relaxed her stomach as much as she could but he'd still undoubtedly feel the incredibly hard layer of abs, and the fact that she'd weigh more than you'd think a girl her size would.

It was a bit hard to keep her tail in check so it didn't whack him. But she had learnt one trick to use on a client who felt like doing something like this to her. Her tail begun fanning him, giving him a gentle breeze to offset the hear created by her. Adding another layer to the experience, after all he hadn't ordered her to stop and she didn't want him to feel like he'd wasted his things on an inadequate service.

"Actually Master, you've paid enough for a week of my service. Oh and my name is Lily, but cute red devil has it appeals too hehe..."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1451 on: June 21, 2021, 08:49:37 PM »

"Uohh! What a nice gentle breeze." He chuckled coyly to the fanning, pleased beyond description. Her muscles weren't bad, he could tell she was trained.

"I'm quite lucky then. To acquire exactly what I wanted, and for a whole week too. I'll make sure to make the most of every second, starting wiiith..."

And as soon as he got to the kitchen, he set her down and  plopped himself down on a chair majestically. "The tea. Two cups please, there's some black tea over there. I trust your brewing skills are second to none, since you offered so boldly."

And that's when his smile turned the brightest.

"Indulge me for a bit, what did you think when you came to my home? Walking our opulent pine gardens, surrounded by the city's neon lights. The contrast took me by surprise, I must admit. And worry not, I don't care if your opinion differs from mine. I'd rather you be as honest as possible."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1452 on: June 21, 2021, 11:28:42 PM »

"I was thinking you were one of the typical rich scumbags who takes pleasure in deflowering young maidens. That was certainly the image your request presented. But it turns out I was wrong, you're more interesting than that. I'm a little bit disappointed too, we're usually called upon for sexual favors, hiring a Succubus Lord isn't cheap..."

Lilt answered without hesitation as she moved to fill two cups with water directly. Strangely she didn't boil the water first, but the why was answered quickly as the water in the cups began steaming. Her own power was far better than some water boiler, she'd could easily reach and maintain the perfect temperature for black tea which she did. Her tail then extended to snatch the tea which she put into the cups. Thanks to her efforts this had taken half the time it usually would, and it would taste even better.

She turned around and offered him the tea as requested. The uniqueness of the brewing didn't end here, not only was the tea being maintaining its heat, the cups weren't warm at all. And since she was done brewing, her tail went back to fanning him, while she awaited his response.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1453 on: June 22, 2021, 03:25:33 PM »

He gratefully nodded when presented with the cup, inhaling its fragrant aromas with an enrapturing smile. "Haha, I do get that a lot. But my time is my own, why rush? When presented with a fine vintage, you ought to savor every sensation to appreciate its complexity."

He twirled the black liquids in his cup lovingly, inhaling its rich aroma. You could tell he was stealing glances at his reflection inside before taking a small sip - and lighting up immediately.

"Oh my. This tea is excellent! Evidently every penny of mine was well spent, how simply stellar!"

He simply had to take another sip. Then another one. And another one. With enough restraint, he managed to set the half-empty cup down with a satisfied sigh.

"Pwahhhh~! Anyways, I just can't find it pleasurable to mate with someone I hardly even know. Getting it over and done with would be ecstatic, yes, but it'd be no better than masturbation. I want more than that, and I trust your skill in that regard. Please, tell me more about yourself Ms. Lily. I'd... appreciate it very much."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1454 on: June 24, 2021, 08:09:24 PM »

"Oh my is that just a lucky happenstance or did you figure out my secret?" As there was no readily available sear around and he had asked her to tell a long story, she absolutely refused to stand up. It was most impolite to ask a of a lady like her and that's why she took the most obvious step and sat down on his lap. Between the heat she was radiating and her weight, there was just the right amount of pressure on him for it to be exquisitely pleasing.

"I'm much older than I look, was born about 400 years ago or so. I've seen things you could only dream off, and the people I've killed. Oh there's so many off them, but I remember the face every one of them made as I snuffed the life out of them. Some of them refused to give up, those were they really interesting ones.... Yeah I killed and killed until someone decided I was charge and then I suddenly had more money and influence than I knew what to do with."

Her pulse increased as so did the heat just a notch as she leaned in closer. "And despite getting all that, I just kept doing what I did best, but bigger and better... hehe sounds pretty dumb when I'm so small doesn't it? But that's right, I'm the biggest monster in town, what will you do about thar Master?"