Author Topic: Pine Garden  (Read 89230 times)


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #930 on: January 17, 2020, 08:41:25 PM »


There was no time to think, no option to dodge.  That ghostly figure once again emerged from Entheo's body intent on catching the grave with both hands.  Meanwhile, Entheo rushed towards the assassin, raising his guandao to prepare an attack.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2020, 08:46:21 PM by yinsukin »


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #931 on: January 17, 2020, 08:52:15 PM »

Shinji jumped back and kicked one of the church benches towards the kid. Meanwhile, another gravestone tore off the ground and spun like a boomerang, coming from the side towards the church! Only the ghost could stop it in time, and considering how many there were, this should keep him busy for a while.

"What's wrong kid, weren't you having fun?" He taunted him but didn't smile. Because now it was his turn to have fun.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #932 on: January 17, 2020, 09:39:28 PM »

The second the ghostly figure caught one, another flew.  The ghost placed one on the ground and prepared to catch the other.

"What you think being at a disadvantage means i'm not having fun?" he asked.  "Real fun..."

Now within range, Entheo unleashed a flurry of guandao strikes intended to end a lesser man.  If the man did not move, he would find himself completely skewered by the weapon.  "Comes from moments of suffering and joy!"


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #933 on: January 17, 2020, 10:10:14 PM »

Oh really. Shinji cursed. Putting all he had here, he could still only delay for now. Damn it! He's good. His body was still dancing in a storm of attacks, each capable of killing an elephant outright in one stroke. His eyes were practically darting around as he flowed with his partner all across the interior of the church, moving left, right and from corner to corner avoiding the deadly swings, staying in his opponent's direct range without ever advancing further.

Try as he might, he couldn't go back or forward, only dodge one strike at a time.

And every passing moment, more cuts started to appear on his body, until it looked like it had gone through a skin shredder. Damn, if he had to choose between going in one stroke or a thousand cuts, he'd prefer the one stroke. But everything depended on this moment. For you see...

"Would you say the same thing... to a grave robber like me?"

And in his voice, there was a certain weight that cut like a blade. He wasn't lying. Moving away from the thrusts and slashes, he showed his true colors and grinned like he was mocking the boy.

"Places like these, they're practically goldmines. Wonder how much I'll make selling off all the junk here."
« Last Edit: January 17, 2020, 10:12:58 PM by francobull3 »


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #934 on: January 17, 2020, 10:44:31 PM »

Entheo's face became more grave, his eyes obscured by shadow.  Farther and further back he advanced, using his pressure to push him towards the wall.  Strangley enough, the assassin seemed conscious of this.  If Entheo lunged left, the assassin would follow.  If he strode right, he would follow.

"So then, what do you do with the money?" he asked.  As he spoke, the church floors began to crack.  Everything aside from the graves inside seemed to be etched with spider web like crack.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #935 on: January 17, 2020, 10:57:41 PM »

"Who knows? Maybe I'll get myself a pizza and a strawberry sundae while a charming lady gives me a foot massage." He stroked his chin and dashed to the left, avoiding the strike by a hair's breadth, nearly losing his eye in the process. Crap, not good. The footing was poor, but he could still manage. A spurt of blood splashed from his shoulder though, deeper than he'd preferred...  and he dropped his ax, the pain loosening his hold seemingly.

Every time the kid struck, it looked like his head was getting closer and closer to getting the special split-from-the-body treatment.

"I hear they're going to dig over this whole spot. Something about a restoration project to build a casino. Who knows? Might just try my luck."

Almost there...
« Last Edit: January 17, 2020, 11:04:21 PM by francobull3 »


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #936 on: January 18, 2020, 12:22:23 AM »

"Well I guess you can have you fun," he said, somehow striking even faster than usual.  It was astounding how the assassin seemed to avoid getting pinned.  It almost felt like he preferred taking hits to losing maneuverability.

The ground shattered, debris flying everywhere.  All that remained were the two fighters, standing on the last remaining platform.  At last, the shroud covering those deep blue eyes had vanished, revealing a face grimacing with annoyance.  "But you realize I have to ruin your fun now right?"

Finishing his flurry, he rushed forward, creating a circle with the horizontal arc of his gundao.  "A man who tramples over another's fun can't be mad when someone else does the same."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #937 on: January 18, 2020, 12:46:27 AM »

Just as he raised his foot and it looked like he'd dodge again, something cold and hard smacked against his back. He was cornered. And almost as if to punish him, a slash was coming with savage power to cleave him in half.

"Your life's gonna suck if you believe everything a schmuck tells you."

And without warning, his muscles grew three times their size and nearly snapped his bones, right as he smashed his foot on the weapon's pole even faster than ever and dug it into the ground.  Instinct. He wouldn't try to fight a master among masters like this guy on their own terms normally. So he had to get him mad, get him cocky, and hope he'd overextend. A gamble through and through.

"Maybe I should quit this whole bounty hunter thing and become an actor." He grinned despite bleeding all over, now a whole foot larger in size, and his muscles tensed and screamed for release. Ready to pummel that bastard into the dirt.

Focused as he was, he wasn't able to pull any more graves to keep the other spirit distracted. He might have a few moments at best, maybe even less if he wasn't so nice as to put them back where they belonged.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2020, 12:52:22 AM by francobull3 »


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #938 on: January 18, 2020, 04:32:52 AM »

At the assassin's words he chuckled.  "Oh really?"

Entheo's eyes widened as he felt his arms being yanked towards the ground.  In the seconds between seconds he had to take in the man's monstrous form, he chose to let go of his Guandao, instead conjuring two swords in either hand.  Two arcs crossed the assassin's large chest, forming an X on his new muscular body, at least if the man failed to react in time.

There was no time to block.  Sakuyomi Gezo's experience told him that much.

"What are you talking about this is great!  Its like a plot twist in a movie!  Show me your true heart grave robber!"


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #939 on: January 18, 2020, 07:52:51 AM »

Aruna's mouth stretched into a devilish grin as the woman made her flamboyant introduction.  She could practically see her natural bloodlust as she made her stretches.  Yes, this was familiar territory, monsters that simply wanted to carve their place in a world of humans.  Although, she seemed more like the demons of old than the more modern incarnations.  Perhaps there was some time travel involved?  Although, it is possible she was merely a traditionalist.

The sound of her enlarged bicycle sized wings flapping in the wind was all that could be heard for the few seconds it took her to think.  "Well I do come here to hunt when I am feeling down," she responded.  "The privileged humans tend to scream and beg more than the poorer ones.  Besides, the ones here have souls so rotten you tend to feel less bad when you find out you gave them PTSD."


"My, my, my~" Destoroyah looked at the stranger with new respect in her eyes, "I misjudged you, stranger~. Allow me to introduce myself-"

The Mahou Kaiju did a half bow, neither breaking eye contact or losing the smile, "My name is Destoroyah. How about we go and have ... Ladies' Night Out~?"


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #940 on: January 18, 2020, 03:19:08 PM »

At the assassin's words he chuckled.  "Oh really?"

Entheo's eyes widened as he felt his arms being yanked towards the ground.  In the seconds between seconds he had to take in the man's monstrous form, he chose to let go of his Guandao, instead conjuring two swords in either hand.  Two arcs crossed the assassin's large chest, forming an X on his new muscular body, at least if the man failed to react in time.

There was no time to block.  Sakuyomi Gezo's experience told him that much.

"What are you talking about this is great!  Its like a plot twist in a movie!  Show me your true heart grave robber!"


Two crescent moons cleaved inside his chest, spilling blood like fountains and exposing his heart. His eyes widened in shock, blood splashed from his mouth with the familiar metallic taste. But he didn't relent.


Three impacts slammed against Entheo's face, rippling against his skin, muscle, and bone. It was like a machinegun, the fists struck like iron. Arms now cocked back, his muscles were rippling and tightening like a vice, it looked absolutely agonizing like cramps bulging and flowing into one another. And his arms begging for release were unleashed in a storm of blows.



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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #941 on: January 18, 2020, 03:38:47 PM »

Once again Entheo's eyes widened as his blades slid across the assassin's chest, not that he was shocked at his durability, but rather his valor.  A grave robber and a dirty fighter standing his ground?  It evoked Tokiyomi's experience fighting in bare-fisted brawls with soldiers and Entheo's experience fighting on the street.  It was rare to find someone like this to battle.

A shockwave erupted from Entheo's face as the assassin's fist crashed into it.  Although his face was pushed back, he did not waver.  Eyes sharp with a desire to return his blow, the second he raised his fist, he was slammed with another round of blows.  Chest, abs, face, arms, shoulders, legs: the wave of fists struck against his skin with the furry of a cornered rat fully prepared to kill a cat.

"No!" he grunted.

Tightening his fist, he endured the blows, focusing all of his concentration on his technique.  Legs firm, arm pulled back, eyes closed, all while taking the full furry of blows to his body.  The bruises were turning into weakpoints as he struck them once again.  It was starting to sting.  In that moment, the fist shot forth like a rocket, blasting straight into the skull of the assassin.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #942 on: January 18, 2020, 03:55:53 PM »

Aruna giggled and said,  "Sure sure.  I can show you a hunting spot.  What do you eat Destroyah?  I live off of human souls but I know not all creatures share the same diet."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #943 on: January 18, 2020, 03:56:27 PM »

He kept punching, again and again, and again, surrounded by a red aura. Each passing moment, each strike caused it to wane, his muscles to recede... and eventually, the sound of breaking bones kept pounding again and again and again. Were his strikes starting to truly damage that monster?


Each following impact, his hands were shattering. His fingers cracked, snapped, and melded with one another. His hands split, ground up and welded shut. It looked like he was striking with nothing but bloody stumps, his arms, and body receiving a great shock with each passing strike.

But none of it, none of it, could prepare him for the following impact. A strike plummeted on his face, its strength and precision like a wrecking ball's... the side of his skull smashed and exposed open... his red aura and strengthening gone from his body, now back to its original size...

But he didn't relent.

The red aura shot out of his body again, his muscles screamed, the sound of shattered bones filled the air again, and with eyes glowing like red flashlights, he dragged his face against the brat's arm, despite his head being smashed, and grabbed his face with his bloody digits, his grip tight as a vice.

"ORAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" He used all the strength in his body to run forwards and drag the kid along, intending to smash his head on the opposite wall of the church.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #944 on: January 18, 2020, 11:24:52 PM »

Emiya frowned at Tsumiko's words about his homeland.  Even though he had traveled extensively, he still considered Japan his home.  So how badly did they fuck it up? he thought distantly.

He mentally shook himself and grinned.  "The best.  Let me show you."


"Ok!" She cheerfully said, showing off her ability at hiding her negative emotions and how much she took from Sakura. "Let's get started then!" She projected a sharp, stainless steel knife as well as a cutting board. "What are we making?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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