Author Topic: Pine Garden  (Read 89220 times)


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #960 on: January 20, 2020, 06:30:18 PM »

Eruraviel's normally purple eyes suddenly turned blood red, and both sage and Amanda could feel their souls being violated by her eyes. The air itself got thicker and more difficult to breathe, and the palm of Eru's hand crackled with evocative magic.

"Excuse me? Are you making light of me, Amanda?"

The elf in the fetish maid outfit began to gather her power.


Sage had been watching with a fierce intensity as the human, Amanda, escalated her criticisms to the level of unvarnished insult. It was not the human this dragon observed though, but rather Eruraviel. Her eyes were fierce, piercing, and she only looked away when her elven baby father rose to the challenge with all the malevolent might at her disposal.

Her elven form's face grew red and warm in anticipation.


"I'm not making light of you. I'm mocking whatever fool designed a magic system that requires that requires something so disgustingly wasteful just for a cast time boost. You're not much different from a drug addict, utterly dependent on that source." She stopped briefly to take a deep breathe and then leaned back further on her chair. Utterly unfazed by the soul wrecking gaze, why wouldn't she be? Her soul wasn't even present in this room.

"It's what stops you from achieving your true potential. Why aren't you just telling the Mana to get bent, that your its master. All those formulas are...the most ridiculous and needlessly complex thing I've seen and quite frankly I think whoever was responsible is trolling you....." She fixated her on gaze on her delightful maid, taking every sinful curve with unabashed glee. "But we can fix that now and let you attain your rightful place."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #961 on: January 20, 2020, 07:58:38 PM »

Eruraviel began to glow with arcane power. "That fool you speak of is me, so hold your tongue, Amanda. Choose your words more diplomatically. Why wouldn't I want to burn souls, they're an unlimited renewable resource that's incredibly easy to replenish. Malleable, and great power held within them-"

She raised her hand, and a tiny wisp of energy formed in her hand, she stared down at it lovingly. "And so much fun to play with." She clenched her fist, and the soul of a normal human was instantly destroyed, bolstering her life-force. She stared at her wife to be, and smiled. "Of course, it isn't without its flaws. I wish to unite our disciplines, and shore up each other's weaknesses with this marriage so I can reach new heights with the first human in six-hundred years who I truly care about."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #962 on: January 21, 2020, 03:21:48 AM »

The dragon's elfin features lost much of their intensity, the disappointment obvious in her eyes as Eruraviel's response began to play out. But she didn't say anything else yet, didn't move from her position.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #963 on: January 21, 2020, 02:14:10 PM »

He looked up to the strange kid, he really did. So his next comment was nothing more than genuine.


A sudden gust of wind broke off from where he stood. Arms crossed to his shoulders as his back was arched, he looked down straight at Entheo from directly above him... and flicked his finger up.

A piece of rubble came spiralling upwards, straight towards Entheo's face at heroic strength and speed.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #964 on: January 21, 2020, 03:25:01 PM »

Entheo's eyes widened as he realized what the assasin was doing a little too late.  Entheo tried to step back, but his chin was smacked by the rubble, forcing him to look up at the assassin. 

Your way huh?

I'm telling you i've got a plan.

Gripping the Guandao, he tossed the weapon as hard as he could at the assassin, intent on returning the favor.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #965 on: January 21, 2020, 03:31:30 PM »

The lance hurled through like a bullet, but only managed to impact into the ceiling, cracking the roof above. Shinji was one step ahead, flying towards the church's massive crucifix with a force that boomed past the limits of sound itself. His feet smashed into the statues' face, and his hand tapped its shoulder. "Sorry pal."

Of course, that force caused the large crucifix to tear off the church wall, dragging down the wall like what could only be described as a surfboard he was riding.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #966 on: January 21, 2020, 03:59:54 PM »

And whats your plan for that?

Instead of bothering to dodge, Entheo shot forward, zipping under the cross, just as it landed on the ground.  The guandao disappeared from the ceiling and reappeared in his hands, only to be lobbed once again at the assassin.

Wing it.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #967 on: January 21, 2020, 04:10:51 PM »

"Come on kid." There was clear disappointment in his tone, unsurprisingly he swayed his body to the side at the last second and avoided the throw entirely.

"You've got more guts than that!" Using the momentum that dragged his body to the wall behind him, he dragged the crucifix along to smash it on the kid's face. As it dragged along, it wrecked the church floor even worse than when they were duking it out earlier.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #968 on: January 21, 2020, 06:17:48 PM »

You'll only delay things by dodging.

As the man swayed his body to one side, Entheo ran to flank the other.  A sword formed in Entheo's hand, slamming the blade into the ground right under the crucifix, forcing the thing to bounce off of it like a bump. With bits of the cross exploding everywhere, he delivered a front kick aimed at the assassin's abdomen.

Come on have a little faith, we are in a place of worship.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2020, 06:30:00 PM by yinsukin »


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #969 on: January 21, 2020, 06:40:38 PM »


The cross splintered all over, leaving only half intact from the impact. He removed his pull towards the wall, and instead dragged himself along the cross's momentum. This threw off the kick, which would have followed where he was flying off to and smashed his heart otherwise.

Instead, the half cross smashed on the ground with Shinji at its helm, while the kid's kick grazed him and sent the boy up to the ceiling.

He ripped something from his stomach, and revealed another set of twin guns which he proceeded to fire at the ceiling over and over!


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #970 on: January 21, 2020, 07:00:23 PM »

Why wouldn't you burn a soul.... Pftttt ahahahahha....Excuse me but If you said that in the Citadel of Sorcery you'd get laughed out of every guild. Why would you ever burn a soul for cheap power boost when permanence exists. You can easily achieve similar results without wasting it, and on top of that you can stack the effects as far as you like."

Amanda caught herself and the table and tried calming down. These theories Eru threw around were completely wild. But of course the Elf was a newcome, and this place had the fortune of drawing on the knowledge of countless worlds for ages. 

"The only really downside of this, is of course the part where someone murders you for trying to achieve godhood so blatantly."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #971 on: January 21, 2020, 07:27:48 PM »

Eruraviel's rage smoldered, unbridiled and fierce inside her bosom. She was deeply disappointed with Amanda, especially after being so paitent with her. She'd given her a chance to apologize and mend the bridge she's so savagely burned, but now was the time to strike back.

"Even your jokes have a limit, the same as my paitence, Amanda. Hold your tongue, and apologize for such flagrant disrespect to my noble discipline. I will not tolerate such nonsense for any longer. I am your equal, and if I am not shown the respect I deserve, this endeavor of ours is over."

She glowered at Amanda, her red eyes shining with malice and displeasure. She tapped her heel impatiently, waiting for Amanda's responce.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #972 on: January 21, 2020, 07:28:01 PM »

The sound of cloths tearing filled the air.  Entheo turned around, already realizing he was wide open.  Look out!

Sakuyomi Gezo's ghost emerged from Entheo's body, Gundao in hand.  Spinning the weapon, he deflected the bullets, all while Entheo landed on the ground behind him, shielded by his friend's body.  Gezo slowly walked forward, Entheo hiding in the shadow of the beefy frame of the long-dead warrior.

Glad to see you've got my back.

The voice of the ancient warrior merely grunted in his head as a response.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #973 on: January 22, 2020, 12:37:27 AM »

...Out of bullets.

He didn't even notice how heavy his breath got. These were probably the toughest cookies he tried biting in two. This was getting out of hand... now there were two of them.

But even so, he aimed his empty guns at the warrior, standing still as a statue while it slowly walked towards him. A bead of sweat dripped down his forehead. Even his aim was starting to get shakey. But he still managed to stare right at his opponent. Despite all the underhanded tactics, both of them could feel it.

Deep down, there was a noble shred of good in their hearts. Maybe that's why they couldn't get along.

Something round and hard dropped from inside his pants, and he kicked it straight towards the duo.

Another grenade.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #974 on: January 22, 2020, 04:00:51 AM »

"Life force huh?" Aruna mused.  She really did sound like she was one of the old-timey demons, especially if she had such a blatant show of dominance.  The new age demon felt her heart sink as she lamented that lost lust for blood.  Although, there was a reason they did not engage in such behavior anymore.

Brown walls were illuminated by cozy lamps, decorated with a lavash counter top.  A single man stood behind the counter, trying his hardest to stifle his frown.  Three men huddled around a table.  One rested their head on the table while the other two fumbled with some cards.  The bartender tried his best not to look annoyed at the three men.  He was pretty sure they were driving away customers.  Ever since they came here, the place had been hallowed out.  If only they could go away somehow......

Meanwhile, Aruna and Destroyah stood on the top of the roof.  "Now heres the plan," she said.  "I shall cast a spell to open several portals.  You can go through the portal, land on one of them then BAM!"

"Ooh~?" The smile never left Destoroyah's lips.

She didn't trust her new found meal companion as far as she could throw her - and that is far. But she certainly wasn't a fellow Mahou Kaiju, and that places the skimpily-dressed horned woman below her. Well, the other Mahou Kaiju were also below her, but that's beside the point - this woman could do nothing to her. Even if the portal dropped her into the abyss, Destoroyah would claw her way back out and rip her apart. "This is going to be so much fun~!" The redhead exclaimed, a dangerous glint taking form in her eyes, "Let's do it~"