Emiya's scowl was enough to drive cut throats and pick pockets out of his path. He had harassed, cajoled, and pleasantly asked many of the local bartenders looking for a teenage girl with purple hair pulled into twin tails dressed in a red coat. He may have threatened one with blowing up their bar, but he was certain that they probably deserved it.
They maybe into human trafficking, which means I need to look into that after I find Rin, he thought as he folded his arms across his chest.
"Fucking shit. Why didn't he go after me. I HAVE NEEDS TOO YOU KNOW, DAMNIT!"
Then a trash can came flying past him only to slam into the fence beside him, making a huge dent into it.
Emiya jogged down the alley the trash can had come from only to see a familiar figure. "Fucking shit fuck."
"You know, you use to have a more elegant way of speaking. If Tsumiko starts talking like a gutter snipe, I'll know where she learned it from," he said.
And begin Rin versus Archer the sparring match round 1,003,657, he thought dryly.