Author Topic: Pine Garden  (Read 89004 times)


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #735 on: December 02, 2019, 03:11:38 AM »

Emiya shook his head and said, "Well, that's part of it.  A very large part of it.  That's Tsumiko's body too.  And that's what I see; this girl I'm helping and taking care of.  And then I remember she has literal parts of a version of me as her make up."

He frowned and said, "Which makes me think all sorts of horrible things like, 'Does Rin use my hand when she jacks off?' or 'Does she pretend that she's jacking me off?'"


Sakura stood on her toes, and whispered in his ear. "It's her dominant hand~"

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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #736 on: December 02, 2019, 03:15:14 AM »

"That's grea-HEY!"

Amanda stammered and blushed heavily right after Sage's hand touched her head in that way. "You can't just....."

She shook her head more violently, rebelling against the affection placed on her by the dragon. "Jeez, stop treating me like a kid, I'm a fully grown adult! You mystical races are just cheating..."


The patting continued despite objections to the contrary. "Take pride in how far you have come in as little time as you've had."

Sage did not appear to be referring to Amanda's magical accomplishments, but rather on the sight they shared together in this moment. Then again it could just be because that was the only thing on either of their minds right now. 

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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #737 on: December 02, 2019, 03:16:32 AM »

The former Counter Guardian groaned at Sakura's words.

He looked at her and said, "That's just cruel."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #738 on: December 02, 2019, 03:24:30 AM »

The former Counter Guardian groaned at Sakura's words.

He looked at her and said, "That's just cruel."


Sakura smirked. "Oho~ What's so weird about your hand touching your penis, Shirou? Isn't that just normal behavior for young men?"

She looked up as she hugged him, eyes glistening with curiosity.

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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #739 on: December 02, 2019, 03:26:30 AM »

Emiya felt heat that had nothing to do with his Reality Marble flood his cheeks as Sakura continued to tease him.

He wrapped his arms around her and said, "Yes, the hand is mine and that belonged to a younger version of me, but the mind controlling both isn't mine." 


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #740 on: December 02, 2019, 03:29:00 AM »

Emiya felt heat that had nothing to do with his Reality Marble flood his cheeks as Sakura continued to tease him.

He wrapped his arms around her and said, "Yes, the hand is mine and that belonged to a younger version of me, but the mind controlling both isn't mine."


"Yeah, because I stole it, fufufu~ All part of my elaborate plan to make you uncomfortable with Rin jerking herself off!"

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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #741 on: December 02, 2019, 03:30:26 AM »

Emiya laughed at that and swayed Sakura back and forth into his arms.

"No, I could see Rin performing such a nefarious act, but I see you as the one wanting to keep me for yourself," he said with a grin.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #742 on: December 02, 2019, 03:32:33 AM »

Emiya laughed at that and swayed Sakura back and forth into his arms.

"No, I could see Rin performing such a nefarious act, but I see you as the one wanting to keep me for yourself," he said with a grin.


Sakura had a smug, catlike grin on her face. She ufued once more, pressing her cold body tight against him." Yes, of course. But seeing Rin ream you would be such a sight to behold! I don't know if I could restrain my teasing even years later! Mwahaha~"

She pressed her face against his chest. "I missed you."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #743 on: December 02, 2019, 03:35:13 AM »

Emiya blinked at Sakura's words and felt more heat fill up his cheeks.

"That's a really weird fetish, but I'm not going to kink shame.  It's no worse than Gilles and his tentacles and the fact he literally made a fanfiction version of Jeanne of Arc as a Servant I guess," Emiya said with a sigh.

Then he grinned, kissed the top of her head, and held her close.  "I've missed you too, Sakura." 


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #744 on: December 02, 2019, 03:38:10 AM »

Emiya blinked at Sakura's words and felt more heat fill up his cheeks.

"That's a really weird fetish, but I'm not going to kink shame.  It's no worse than Gilles and his tentacles and the fact he literally made a fanfiction version of Jeanne of Arc as a Servant I guess," Emiya said with a sigh.

Then he grinned, kissed the top of her head, and held her close.  "I've missed you too, Sakura."


"Reconsider fucking my sister's ass. You don't need to touch your own dick, if that's what's bugging you. She has, um, extra parts, well, let's just say she enjoys anal. You didn't hear any of this from me, by the way."

Sakura's artificial cheeks were just as pale as ever, but her unease was clear. She was fumbling through her sentences and beginning to ramble.

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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #745 on: December 02, 2019, 10:05:27 PM »

"But Sagey~"

Amanda was inching away from the awful head patting, both trying to create some distance from the dragon and to get closer to the elf. "That's precisely why she's wearing it, so she can be seen, and so we can show her off. What's the point of having something if you can't brag to others and establish your superiority?" She rhetorically asked. The answer to that was obvious, you did it because it was for the best.

Then she reached and patted Eru on the head in return.

"You look good, but that's 'how do I look look mistress'. "


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #746 on: December 03, 2019, 08:04:50 AM »

The raven haired woman stiffened, wincing from the evident pain. It stung, and it hurt, those claws. She could tell they could hurt... the cold tendrils of fear coursed through her, but she pushed them back. Her struggle died down, and she was in a place where perhaps she could unleash her total (non-)existent powers! But not when claws were for her throat.

Slowly, she nodded her head, awaiting the moment her lips were free to speak through.

Target sighted.

The she-claw was tucked down in the alleyway, holding onto a dark haired woman.  Frank's footsteps practically thundered in the narrow in-between as he charged in, his hulking frame just shy of becoming wedged. Haluth barely had time to look up when his hand reached over the dumpster, grabbing it by the head and dragging it and its  captive over the trash container.

"I gave you an order," Frank's low growl vibrated the very bones in Haluth's body.

"Master...I..." Haluth gasped, head encased by the armored gauntlet, "I heard...Heard woman plan...Attack! Attack us!"

That gave the meta human pause. His eye lens redirected to the she-claw's captive. Back in the wasteland, he would have laughed at such a notion - he shrugged off plasma rounds, what could such a small civilian do to him? But the Nexus was different, the people unpredictable and unknowable. If there was going to be an ambush, Frank intended to find out about it. The package has yet to reach its final destination; the job still wasn't finished. The contents of the case was being secured inside the designated vehicle inside the warehouse, and from here on out it's an escort job. Frank had a perfect record to maintain.

He let go of Haluth's cranium. "Congratulations, civilian, you get to join us on a walk."

As soon as Haluth released her hold, Horrigan got into the dark haired woman's face, "You try to run, call for help, anything that would even mildly annoy me, I will fill your ass with lead. Understand?"
« Last Edit: December 03, 2019, 08:16:44 AM by MissingMandible »


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #747 on: December 03, 2019, 09:10:46 PM »

"But Sagey~"

Amanda was inching away from the awful head patting, both trying to create some distance from the dragon and to get closer to the elf. "That's precisely why she's wearing it, so she can be seen, and so we can show her off. What's the point of having something if you can't brag to others and establish your superiority?" She rhetorically asked. The answer to that was obvious, you did it because it was for the best.

Then she reached and patted Eru on the head in return.

"You look good, but that's 'how do I look look mistress'. "


Eru did another spin, and her cock shot up, bouncing as she jumped. "Hoho, normally, I would be entirely against such pretensions, but since you have provided me with such a nice gift, I shall indulge you, just this once.

She leaned forward, shaking her butt at sage and showing off her large balls, while letting Amanda peer right down her cleavage. "How do I look, Mistress~"

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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #748 on: December 04, 2019, 03:54:32 AM »

I can't believe that this is a conversation we're having.  This should be absurd, and it is absurd, but this is their every day and . . .

Emiya rubbed his forehead and said, "Yare Yare, this is difficult.  I'm also still amazed that this is a conversation we're having."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #749 on: December 05, 2019, 12:58:23 AM »

"But Sagey~"

Amanda was inching away from the awful head patting, both trying to create some distance from the dragon and to get closer to the elf. "That's precisely why she's wearing it, so she can be seen, and so we can show her off. What's the point of having something if you can't brag to others and establish your superiority?" She rhetorically asked. The answer to that was obvious, you did it because it was for the best.

Then she reached and patted Eru on the head in return.

"You look good, but that's 'how do I look look mistress'. "


Eru did another spin, and her cock shot up, bouncing as she jumped. "Hoho, normally, I would be entirely against such pretensions, but since you have provided me with such a nice gift, I shall indulge you, just this once.

She leaned forward, shaking her butt at sage and showing off her large balls, while letting Amanda peer right down her cleavage. "How do I look, Mistress~"


Sage appeared perturbed by Amanda's comments, but appeared momentarily distracted from commentating upon them by the show that Eruraviel was presenting to them. Her elven form's red eyes were fixated upon the sorceress' riveting display until the elf spoke. "... you humans have a very strange notion of what to do with treasure. Never flaunt it before those who might attempt to steal it!"