Author Topic: Pine Garden  (Read 89246 times)


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #915 on: January 16, 2020, 11:57:10 PM »

Entheo looked around the room, taking in his surroundings.  It was impossible not to consider the world when fighting someone like this assassin.  "Well i'm glad its not just me," he said, tilting his head as he flashed the man a smile.  "But god, demon, monster?  I have no idea where you got that from!"

10pm one week prior

A boy and his mother wandered onto the pine garden graveyard.  A thick fog covered the dorm for the dead thanks to a rainstorm the day before.  A chill crawled across both of their bodies as they approached the center where their father had been laid to rest.  Strangely enough, there was a young man who was talking to nothing, while bent down petting nothing.

"He's a nice cat right?  I like to think he looks prettier dead."

The boy pointed.  "Mommy," he said, looking up at his mother with a curious glance.  "Who is he talking to?"

The woman shook her head.  "He's probably striken with grief Jimmy.  I've seen it happen all the time.  That is why we come here, so we don't lose ourselves to grief like that man.  I wish you could have met your father, so brave and handsome..."

The young man looked back at the mother and frowned.  "Thats not her right?  Wait you want me to tell her now?  Dude you can pass on withou- alright."

The young man approached the mother and said,  "Your husband wants you to know that he cheated on you 42 times before you were married, never actually had a job and supported your family through his suger mamma.  Oh wait, I mean affair."

"You monster!  You demon!  How dare you!  How could you even know my husband!  He's DEAD!  He died while you were probably still in middle school!"

Finally realizing what may have happened, Entheo laughed and said, "Well its probably a lot more malice than information.  People take their life a little too seriously you know?  That being said, i'd rather not kill a guy for no reason."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #916 on: January 17, 2020, 12:11:23 AM »

Aruna's mouth stretched into a devilish grin as the woman made her flamboyant introduction.  She could practically see her natural bloodlust as she made her stretches.  Yes, this was familiar territory, monsters that simply wanted to carve their place in a world of humans.  Although, she seemed more like the demons of old than the more modern incarnations.  Perhaps there was some time travel involved?  Although, it is possible she was merely a traditionalist.

The sound of her enlarged bicycle sized wings flapping in the wind was all that could be heard for the few seconds it took her to think.  "Well I do come here to hunt when I am feeling down," she responded.  "The privileged humans tend to scream and beg more than the poorer ones.  Besides, the ones here have souls so rotten you tend to feel less bad when you find out you gave them PTSD."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #917 on: January 17, 2020, 01:34:54 AM »

He smiled and shook his head. "...Yeah, about that, you're stil 10 000 years too early to try kiddo."

He took seven more steps forward, surrounded by the colors and lit candles of this gothic house of preachers.

The great crucifix on the wall almost loomed over him, as if the Christ itself was looking down on him. As if he was being judged for his sin.

But oh well... All gods he met in past eras were the same. Besides, he was too rotten of a bastard to come begging for forgiveness.

"Besides, It's bad for business if I just quit. So what about it? What's your name?"


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #918 on: January 17, 2020, 02:17:13 AM »

Entheo cracked his neck.  "Oh well thats a relief," he said, rolling his head around his neck.  A series of cracks followed.  "If our fight ends without a single grave damaged, i'll tell you my name."

Those icy blue eyes sharpened.  "If you damage one, your probably not worth telling my name to."

As he stepped into the house of the monotheistic god, all he could think of was that blasted tournament.  Those eyes that prayed on him like fresh meat, that aura that oppressed every battle he fought.  Strange, all that pain and the thought still brought a chuckle forth from his lips.  Then again, thats what it means to have fun.

"Either way, I don't need to hold back."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #919 on: January 17, 2020, 02:53:37 AM »

It took a bit of time for her to head down. As she turned the corner, two things became obvious to him.

1: She had been crying.

2:She hadn't wanked.

She smiled weakly at him. "Hey."


Emiya had been searching his larder to figure out what Tsumiko and he could make for breakfast.  He favored Japanese foods, but Sakura was great at Western cooking.  Tsumiko seemed to have talents from the sum of her parts.

Which meant she may be a better cook than me, he thought with a frown.

He was the chef of Chaelda!  An altered version of Saber stalked him just for [/i]food[/i].  If there was anything he could pride himself on, it was his mastery in the kitchen.

He finally heard foot steps approaching and turned to smile at Tsumiko when he noticed her eyes were red from crying.

And she still had a . . . rigid reaction.

He frowned and said, "Tsumiko?"


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #920 on: January 17, 2020, 02:56:20 AM »

It took a bit of time for her to head down. As she turned the corner, two things became obvious to him.

1: She had been crying.

2:She hadn't wanked.

She smiled weakly at him. "Hey."


Emiya had been searching his larder to figure out what Tsumiko and he could make for breakfast.  He favored Japanese foods, but Sakura was great at Western cooking.  Tsumiko seemed to have talents from the sum of her parts.

Which meant she may be a better cook than me, he thought with a frown.

He was the chef of Chaelda!  An altered version of Saber stalked him just for [/i]food[/i].  If there was anything he could pride himself on, it was his mastery in the kitchen.

He finally heard foot steps approaching and turned to smile at Tsumiko when he noticed her eyes were red from crying.

And she still had a . . . rigid reaction.

He frowned and said, "Tsumiko?"


"Y-yes?" She asked quietly, staring away from her surrogate father.

Looking at him felt too awkward.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #921 on: January 17, 2020, 02:57:16 AM »

Emiya sighed and asked, "What's wrong?"

He held up his hand and said, "And please don't say nothing.  I know what someone looks like when they've been crying.  I need to know if I'm to help."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #922 on: January 17, 2020, 02:58:34 AM »

Emiya sighed and asked, "What's wrong?"

He held up his hand and said, "And please don't say nothing.  I know what someone looks like when they've been crying.  I need to know if I'm to help."


Tsumiko still refused to meet his eyes when she relied "Nothing. Don't worry about it. I was just washing my face, not crying."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #923 on: January 17, 2020, 03:01:14 AM »

Emiya gnashed his teeth together and said, "Yare yare.  I didn't think you'd live up to the meaning of your name, Tsumiko."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #924 on: January 17, 2020, 03:03:37 AM »

She walked quickly towards the pile of ingredients that Archer had laid out and began washing her hands. "What are we making?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #925 on: January 17, 2020, 03:10:04 AM »

Damn, she's deflecting, he thought with a frown as she walked over to the ingredients he admittedly haphazardly laid out.

Emiya answered, "I haven't decided yet.  I was just seeing what I had.  I'm also torn between a traditional Japanese breakfast or a Western one."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #926 on: January 17, 2020, 03:13:05 AM »

Damn, she's deflecting, he thought with a frown as she walked over to the ingredients he admittedly haphazardly laid out.

Emiya answered, "I haven't decided yet.  I was just seeing what I had.  I'm also torn between a traditional Japanese breakfast or a Western one."


Tsumiko blinked. "I don't know much about Japan. It's a wasteland where no life can live." She seemed to sadden at the mention of that tidbit. "What's its food like?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #927 on: January 17, 2020, 03:15:34 AM »

Emiya frowned at Tsumiko's words about his homeland.  Even though he had traveled extensively, he still considered Japan his home.  So how badly did they fuck it up? he thought distantly.

He mentally shook himself and grinned.  "The best.  Let me show you."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #928 on: January 17, 2020, 07:05:02 PM »

Eruraviel's normally purple eyes suddenly turned blood red, and both sage and Amanda could feel their souls being violated by her eyes. The air itself got thicker and more difficult to breathe, and the palm of Eru's hand crackled with evocative magic.

"Excuse me? Are you making light of me, Amanda?"

The elf in the fetish maid outfit began to gather her power.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #929 on: January 17, 2020, 08:07:33 PM »

Entheo cracked his neck.  "Oh well thats a relief," he said, rolling his head around his neck.  A series of cracks followed.  "If our fight ends without a single grave damaged, i'll tell you my name."

Those icy blue eyes sharpened.  "If you damage one, your probably not worth telling my name to."

As he stepped into the house of the monotheistic god, all he could think of was that blasted tournament.  Those eyes that prayed on him like fresh meat, that aura that oppressed every battle he fought.  Strange, all that pain and the thought still brought a chuckle forth from his lips.  Then again, thats what it means to have fun.

"Either way, I don't need to hold back."


Shinji smirked, and a cool aura came swooping over the boy. He raised his arm in provocation-

"I was hoping you'd say that."

-and flicked two fingers back towards him, as if to taunt the kid. Like he was telling him to come over.

And so, one of the massive tombstones had already reached an inch away from Entheo, as if pulled somehow... plummeting straight towards the floor next to Shinji. At that speed, it'd become dust!