The rider leaned against the nearest wall, keeping his arms close to his body. He expected a scheme, but the impatience on display was galling. Not even a day, and they were ready to blow such powerful assets on pretending they had dealt with the issue, even at the cost of infighting? Some demons he knew would have let them have their fun first. If the scapegoats found the true culprit, they would only be saving themselves work, and reaping two angels in a single stroke.
If they could do the actual reaping when the time came, that was.
"Don't know. Not in a very trusting mood," Justice said, rolling his neck. His eyes came to rest on Spidey. "I know I told you to value your identity, but your reasoning is crooked. You want to work with us so no one has to die, but your plan is to kill them first because it doesn't matter if they die."
In a sick, familiar way, he could relate. And that was one thing he didn't want to be reminded of.