Author Topic: Pine Garden  (Read 89019 times)


  • Moon Cancer
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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1125 on: April 16, 2020, 07:18:09 PM »

Suerte grinned at that answer, standing up from the couch and leaning her head in oh so slightly.  Her brown eyes widened, not even hiding the fact that she was staring at him.  It was as if she saw him as a different person all of the sudden.

"Your a lot more honest than I thought you'd be," she said with a giggle.  It was clear his answer cheered her up a little bit.  "Good.  When I die, spread the legend of Suerte Martinez to all you hear."

Suerte looked at Spidey.  He had fallen asleep.  "Before I asked you to be my partner.  I suppose I should be honest with you.  I am not a bounty hunter because I need the money.  I just like the thrill.  I enjoy the challenge, the conflict, the simple but powerful struggle of life and death that makes me feel alive.  Perhaps even more than that I..."

Suerte's face turned red and she looked away.  "I really like killing people.  Are you ok with that too?"


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1126 on: April 16, 2020, 08:22:37 PM »

"Well, you asked me to find someone strong and fast. So, here he is." She replied, staring at Amanda with a cocked head. Her ears twitched a tad in irritation-irritation at herself, that she wasn't strong enough, and that she had needed to go ask for help to solve this problem. "I'm not strong enough, so I went and found someone with real strength-someone stronger than with just magic. Feh."

The elf turned her head and sighed with a rather defeated expression.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2020, 08:05:35 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1127 on: April 16, 2020, 09:11:13 PM »

The rider's features lit up with a chuckle. He wasn't exactly attached to his journals, but in no way would he forget to write about her. He reached forward and flicked a finger at Suerte's forehead. "You're more transparent than you think you are. But let's see... what you like doesn't determine what you'll do. We, thinking, philosophical beings, have the privilege to temper our instincts. To choose how to satisfy them."
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


  • Moon Cancer
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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1128 on: April 16, 2020, 09:37:26 PM »

Suerte took another step closer, getting within arms length of Justice.  "But I've killed people before?  I don't belive you Justice.  No way are you this non judgemental.  Well... maybe you are.  Tell me something.  Why do you fight?"


  • Sir Bonesington
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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1129 on: April 17, 2020, 12:54:21 AM »

"I fight because I was made for it," he answered, before taking in air. A cavernous hum made itself heard from deep within his chest, imbuing the words that followed with gravity older than Man, old enough to have worn itself down to pieces and still swallow worlds if unleashed.

"I fight because I'm good at it. I fight and kill because I swore; and I swore service to answer for the hollow massacres that my hands aided, which stretched until stars ran dry. And what I do beyond that, I do so that death and gloom are not the only legacy I leave when I am reduced to dust by the Creator's will, or some trick of the universe."
« Last Edit: April 17, 2020, 12:56:27 AM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


  • Moon Cancer
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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1130 on: April 18, 2020, 04:24:29 AM »

Another step, the woman within arms length of Justice.  Those curious brown eyes fluttered, her hands behind her back.  "So do you struggle against your fate or your instincts?" she asked, her voice drenched in a sort of curious thirst.  Her southern accent made the word instinct ring through the room.  "Is that why you don't mind my lust for death and destruction, or are you just fighting fate?"
« Last Edit: April 18, 2020, 04:28:01 AM by yinsukin »


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1131 on: April 18, 2020, 04:35:32 AM »

He considered the terms, stroking his chin with a gloved thumb. "If fate exists, then fighting its course is how you will find it. You're mistaken to think I'm unbothered, but judging is another thing altogether. You've slain and destroyed, but how many were hapless? How many were clean, if not in conscience, then in what they did to live?"

"I fight of my own will so that nature does not determine the whole of me", he said. "I think you and I resemble each other."
« Last Edit: April 18, 2020, 04:36:21 AM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


  • Moon Cancer
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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1132 on: April 18, 2020, 04:51:47 AM »

The cowgirl rested her back against his chest, reaching up to caress his chin.  Turning her head to the side, those brown eyes drifted over his face.  "We are partners," she said in agreement.  "I said I would be transparent here.  I chose you as my partner because I was lonely.... this city, its so big... scary, different.  And its law enforcement.... I mean in my world it was all bounty hunters but.... those riots weren't natural.  I'm sorry."

She kissed the underside of his chin.  "How... would you feel then if I told you I was an agent of fate?"


  • Sir Bonesington
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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1133 on: April 19, 2020, 01:20:29 AM »

Was Suerte so desperate for acceptance, so wanton for forgiveneness because she didn't know who could give it to her and stay even without change, or was she naked in conflict now that she was surrounded by faces that would never let her say it was normal? On the best of days, Justice wasn't sure if his purpose was redemption or coping, so how could he say?

But still he responded with a hum and a twitch of a smile. "You don't seem like the knitting type."
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1134 on: April 19, 2020, 01:23:27 AM »

Was Suerte so desperate for acceptance, so wanton for forgiveneness because she didn't know who could give it to her and stay even without change, or was she naked in conflict now that she was surrounded by faces that would never let her say it was normal? On the best of days, Justice wasn't sure if his purpose was redemption or coping, so how could he say?

But still he responded with a hum and a twitch of a smile. "You don't seem like the knitting type."


"Someone called?" The kid suddenly popped up with a pink sweater freshly knitten. It looked absolutely cutesey and adorable...

And made just right for Justice's size.


  • Moon Cancer
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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1135 on: April 21, 2020, 03:23:30 AM »

"I can knit you a whole web, end the entire purpose behind your fight against fate," she said, turning around and backing up, staring into his eyes once again.  "What would you do if you suddenly had fate on your side?"

Suerte glanced at the sweater spidey was holding, before retuning her gaze to Justice.


  • Sir Bonesington
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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1136 on: April 21, 2020, 03:39:56 AM »

He winced at the shameless shade of pink of the immaculately knit, painfully wholesome piece. There would be no questioning when and how Spidey even managed to produce it. "I am not wearing that, but love the vibe."

"Nothing would change," Justice continued, turning to Suerte. "At least for now. There's nothing I want in particular. But I'm curious. If an ally could give me that boon, I would ride lighter without a shadow of a doubt."
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


  • The God Tongue
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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1137 on: April 21, 2020, 03:41:45 AM »

So cool...
He gripped the sweater even tighter and grinned like a dumb kid watching a badass anime scene. Or a romantic soap opera. He was super into those too.


  • Moon Cancer
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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1138 on: April 21, 2020, 03:51:58 AM »

Suerte smiled at him.  "Seems I chose a good partner then," she said.  "But I knew that.  I already care for you.  I'm too soft, too quick to adore.  My dear foolish partner, you are stuck with nothing short of a storm of fortune and passion."

The young cowgirl walked over to spidey, swiping the sweater.  "Well if you won't I will.  Our cute little buddy worked hard on making this sweater.  So I will wear it if you won't."


  • Sir Bonesington
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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1139 on: April 23, 2020, 04:21:19 AM »

"If I had to choose, I'm fond of untamed weather. But it's my luck that storms don't bother ghosts." Justice's rough face curled with humor, and he extended an arm in the air.

Misty feathers bloomed over it with a shrill coo, and dry fluttering gave way to bunched, unblinking birds. Not crows, but memory of what might have been those talkative corvids, filtered through a haunting caul. Justice whispered something unearthly to them, and they set off with in a whistling rise, disappearing through the shut windows.
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts