Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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The Great Northern Forest
North of the city lays a thick, primeval forest. The trees grow to immense heights, all at least over 100 meters(350 feet) tall, with some being much taller. The trees are all proportionally thick, with some growing as thick as large houses. There is a large logging company that provides most of the wood in the Nexus with timber from these great and majestic trees, and seeing them is considered an absolutely breathtaking experience to newcomers, a must see on any tour of Nexus city. There are busses that go to the outskirts, and any child that has grown up in the Nexus will remember their field trip to this place. It gives off an otherworldly feel, calming even the most stressed out person’s nerves and making them feel relaxed. Scientists claim that this is a result of chemicals the trees exude to talk to each other, warning each other of danger, famine, and other such simple messages. Religious leaders call them a gift from god, and some radical extremists even occasionally issue terroristic threats against the logging company, claiming that they’re desecrating holy land.

However, this great forest also holds dangers within its depths. The outer layer is fairly normal, if much larger than usual. One will find the chirping of birds that one might usually expect, the familiar buzz of insects, pumas, large cats, bears, and other such animals. As long as a person comes prepared with the right weaponry and a trained guide, one could have a good time going camping for a weekend without incident. However, as one treads deeper within this forest, more supernatural elements begin to become apparent. A vine might suddenly reach down to grab you, pulling you into the maw of a carnivorous plant. Large, gigantic versions of mundane animals with pelts as tough as steel stake territories as hunting grounds. Militant tribes of orcs and goblins set up houses within the tree canopies, fighting off large birds and snakes. Spirts of the land wander freely which one could easily make an enemy, or make a contract with and gain powers one could scarcely dream of-for a price.

Furthermore, the deeper one explores, the thicker the tree canopy seems to get. It gets dark. Stupid dark. Anyone who doesn’t have some form of low-light vision would be ill advised to invade the forest, but tales of forgotten knowledge and riches still occasionally draw innocent people to their deaths, their souls reclaimed by the Nexus and consigned to wander within the forest endlessly.

The Hot Springs in the Forest
The definitive spa experience in the Nexus! Come here to wind down, spend a week away from work, and relax! Experience the majesty of the forest, and the scientifically proven calming effects that coming here provides you! Reserve your dream vacation today!

This enormous spa sits next to the mountain range to the west, where the forest ends. It is a well known destination, and lays just within the boundary of the forest within a walled complex, completely cut off from the rest of society. People come to soak in the hot springs, taking in the soothing and definitely not addictive chemicals the trees release, allowing them to forget the stresses of their work and home life, simply living a short life of luxury within what many describe as heaven.

The spa is protected by towers on all four corners, where armachan mercenaries defend it from the occasional incursion by the denizens of the deeper forest.

Eruraviel’s Home

About a mile deep into the forest lays a clearing, where the sun penetrates the canopy and a small lakeside house, forgotten by time, lays overgrown by vines.

Underneath this house, there is an immense laboratory complex, built up over a few years by Eruraviel. Pristine stone walls intertwined with thick roots, carved to be aesthetically pleasing, line the hallways. Vials line the walls, and the entire house is woven with magical traps designed to attack and kill intruders without prejudice. Within these walls Eru’s golems and homunculi crafting facilities lie, staffed by them as she slowly creates more.


1:00 pm

As they arrived, they were greeted by enormous trees, taller than many buildings even, towering over them. The monolithic trunks were almost as wide as a small house, and the tallest trees grew to almost one hundred meters tall.

"More impressive than Judo? No way! That's amazing!"

She let Lily down onto the ground. "Teach me! No takebacks!"

She was far too excited to talk about her sexual inclinations.


Once Lily was put down, she flipped over and did a one handed handstand. "What I will teach you will be very hard, you must give up yourself and quench all ambition, that is the first and fundamental step on the way." As Lily spoke she raised the flat on her hand, and stood only on her finger, which she then removed from the ground, one after the other, until only one remained, yet her form hadn't budged whatsoever since she started.

" You must learn how to breath, to truly breath in. Not air, but the essence that permeates all. The way is long and requires constant discipline. But it will all become clearer to you as you cultivate your greater self, then one day even you may transcend as I have."

Then with her left hand she pointed towards a giant rock. " Once you have found your center, I want you to shatter that rock with a single strike."


--- Quote from: Bern on August 02, 2019, 05:54:46 PM --- Lily

Once Lily was put down, she flipped over and did a one handed handstand. "What I will teach you will be very hard, you must give up yourself and quench all ambition, that is the first and fundamental step on the way." As Lily spoke she raised the flat on her hand, and stood only on her finger, which she then removed from the ground, one after the other, until only one remained, yet her form hadn't budged whatsoever since she started.

" You must learn how to breath, to truly breath in. Not air, but the essence that permeates all. The way is long and requires constant discipline. But it will all become clearer to you as you cultivate your greater self, then one day even you may transcend as I have."

Then with her left hand she pointed towards a giant rock. " Once you have found your center, I want you to shatter that rock with a single strike."

--- End quote ---


"Hmmm." Coconut looked at Lily, examining her posture. She clicked her tongue. She really didn't think she could properly balance herself without her wings like that. It was pretty impressive.

After a minute, she nodded. "I'll try!"

Coconut sucked in her breath, holding it in. The small child closed her eyes, attempting to copy Lily's measured breathing.

It was a poor imitation. Her breathing pattern was slightly erratic, and she wasn't sucking in the same amount with every breath, plus, her posture was all over the place.

"Kyaaahhh!" She exhaled, fist hurtling towards the rock. The small fist impacted into the immense monolith, cracks immediately appearing all over. The rock shook, but it remained firmly in place.

Hours passed.

Lily continued instructing her, and Coconut did her best to follow her instructions. She often succeeded in the basic tasks Lily ascribed to her, while still failing a fair amount of the time as well. It was frustrating, and the physical labor was exhausting. At around 4:30, the small demon collapsed, sweaty and tired. Her pure white skin glistened with exertion, and her pert chest heaved as she sucked in air.

"I just need-a little break, Lily..."


And just as Coco collapsed from exhaustion, Lily's foot met her gut and sent her flying into the nearest tree. "Your enemies will not give you a break, they will come from you when you least expect it, when you're at your weakest, that's when they will strike. The true training begins now."

She lunged forward with her mighty legs with her fist aiming straight for the demon girl's head.



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