Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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Vanny boah

It was like a rushing apocalypse coming at him. Something impossible, terrifying to imagine. No... impossible. He just couldn't fathom what she'd do next. It's not like he could see the future anyways. And that was a good thing.

So he just closed his eyes, his mug smiling as placidly as ever. Sometimes, it was better to enjoy the moment than worry about tomorrow. It's a sunny day and everything's going to be okay.

Just as she came, his hands opened and leaned forward slightly. Did he think he was able to catch her, with his slow speed? It's like he was trying to lose here.


She shot forward like a rocket after that step, a rocket that was heading right for him. This would surely be a nasty impact....

Except she stopped dead right outside of his range.

"The lesson starts now boy."

And then she calmly walked inside it with her hands in her pockets.


1:20 am Nexus Time

The enormous elf laid on top of Sage's belly, reaching up and massaging the dragon's scales. One of her hands crept up and reached for Sage's claw.

Still buried deep inside the dragon's slit, with the last remnants of her orgasm finishing up, Eru began to soften. "Ehehe, I've never taken a dragon before~"

Her enormous shaft filled Sage up, and her balls rested upon the base of her tail.


1:20 AM Nexus Time

The colossal wyrm was more than mere scale and leather to take caution with, but a smooth and well worn expansion of wood and green that spoke of its integral connection to the forest. Wings kin to the boughs of the great trees, filled with softly rustling leaves, enclosing themselves around its pointy-eared companion like a blanket.

'Elves... exceed my expectations in this matter.'

Its soft rumbling tone sent shudders through Eruraviel's body as she pressed so closely to it. Warm folds wrapped tightly around the member buried deep within the dragon's body at the same time one of its claws closed around the elf's hand.

'I do hope my first efforts in the form of your kind were acceptable, too.'

Already the elvish princess could feel an abundance of life stirring within the dragon's body, greedily absorbing everything poured into it.


--- Quote from: Aiden on September 15, 2019, 04:18:45 PM ---Sage

1:20 AM Nexus Time

The colossal wyrm was more than mere scale and leather to take caution with, but a smooth and well worn expansion of wood and green that spoke of its integral connection to the forest. Wings kin to the boughs of the great trees, filled with softly rustling leaves, enclosing themselves around its pointy-eared companion like a blanket.

'Elves... exceed my expectations in this matter.'

Its soft rumbling tone sent shudders through Eruraviel's body as she pressed so closely to it. Warm folds wrapped tightly around the member buried deep within the dragon's body at the same time one of its claws closed around the elf's hand.

'I do hope my first efforts in the form of your kind were acceptable, too.'

Already the elvish princess could feel an abundance of life stirring within the dragon's body, greedily absorbing everything poured into it.

--- End quote ---


The elf chuckled at that. "You were completely immature, like a young child who was experiencing their first time, but even more inexperienced." Eru squeezed her hand, sliding her body up the scaley body. Her dick slid slowly out of sage with a wet sclicking noise as she did so. "But, that's what made you so cute."


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