Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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'I was not always this way - it is a blessing of the wood I so dearly adore.'

The forested dragon took in every inch of the princess who so arrogantly, and accurately, aimed to claim it for herself. As she became lax in her form, so too did the dragon return to a more prone position. Its eyes were drawn then to Eruraviel's back, the head twisting about to get a superior view.

'Your wings, though charming, stink of the Abyss. A blessing, or a curse?'


--- Quote from: Aiden on September 16, 2019, 05:45:40 AM ---Sage

'I was not always this way - it is a blessing of the wood I so dearly adore.'

The forested dragon took in every inch of the princess who so arrogantly, and accurately, aimed to claim it for herself. As she became lax in her form, so too did the dragon return to a more prone position. Its eyes were drawn then to Eruraviel's back, the head twisting about to get a superior view.

'Your wings, though charming, stink of the Abyss. A blessing, or a curse?'

--- End quote ---


Eru flapped her small wings, which somehow generated enough lift to lift her off the ground. "Neither. I used my magic to steal the powers of a great and terrible demon, and this was the result."

"You dislike them?"


'I am no friend of demons - but I may also admire beauty where I find it.'

Indeed, it appeared inspiring - for the dragon soon began first to shrink in size, bones cracking like the snapping of branches, and then wood gave way to flesh. A more familiar, less grandiose disguise took the place of the arboreal leviathan from before.

"Indeed, I find I may wish to replicate the feat myself!" The lovely naked elf from before stood beneath her flying companion. From her position, Eru could see the beginnings of wings starting to sprout from Sage as she hunched over in place. "Nnn~"

They were rather tiny, actually.


"So impatient, very well.."

Her hands came out of her pocket and bombarded him with the most basic of straight punches. There was no skill to whatsoever, just a complete disregard for any counter attacks while going on an endless offense. Or perhaps, she threw away all form precisely because she was so skilled and had realized something.


His eyes glowed like bursting stars as she finally came to strike him. The punch rush, her speed and power, and the foreboding feeling that she was hiding something.

What would he do? His lowered stance and outstretched arms betrayed him! Would he come lunging at her? A grapple? A strike? The lightning that charged up crackled around him, and he-


Rolled. He rolled! Using all of his power and omentum, he flipped his body completely to crush her like a living wheel! His legs were now coming down like hammers to trample her!


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