Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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Suddenly, the small demon child who had been so studiously standing still, charging her laser, suddenly clasped her hands together, centering all her magical power in one finger.

"Coconut Ray!" She exclaimed, pointing her finger at the rolling warrior. With a motion of her hands, she fired a powerful cutting beam in a horizontal motion, with all of her energy focused on one point for a moment. Trees behind him were cut down one after another as she fired her attack.


A very impressive acrobatic display from someone of his size and build, she might have complimented him if he was doing an exhibition. But in this situation it would hardly help him.

It was one of the things her instructors had beat into her all those years ago at the imperial academy. Never do something flashy unless you're certain you'll succeed.

And they were right of course, sometimes techniques like it could be used to inspire awe or fear in your opposition. But like all tools it needed proper tempering, the mind to know when and where to use it and the presence to pull it off.

To say nothing of the beam coming from behind. It looked like the brat had picked up the technique she'd used earlier, what a fast learner. She didn't didn't even need to look to know what she'd done. That did leave the question of how to best deal with both of these threats at once.

With a simple side step and a crouch that's how.

The logical cohesion of events seemingly shattered for an instance as Lily change course in the blink of an eye and went to the left exactly as fast as she'd been traveling forward. No, even that couldn't properly describe what had just happened. It didn't happen a moment later, all of her forward momentum had simply vanished and the same momentum had appeared but to the left instead, and both these things happened at the exact same time.

From her now crouched position her knee immediately sought his face, which just so happened to be in ideal striking range due to the move he was in the middle of doing.


"Wha- OOF!" The knee slammed straight into his face, a squarely hit blow by a squarely good lass just as his back touched the ground, his legs smashing nothing but the earth. He didn't even see her! He... sort of had it coming, leaving himself wide open like that.  Therefore, the hit connected. Therefore, the hit impacted. The cutting beam punched into his back before it ceased to be exposed, piercing into the armour and his back.

"Nice moves!"

You didn't need a million obvious openings. Sometimes, one is enough. Because the hit that should've pushed into tissue and bone slipped. He shifted his head, grabbing the force of her hit, dragging the power to smash her limb off course right next by his head.

But it still hit good, and it sure as hell hurt like a good knee! So she shouldn't mind if he tried to use his legs to push back.... and his unused arms that were just waiting there to try and grab her at that moment!


--- Quote from: francobull3 on September 17, 2019, 10:55:08 PM ---Vanny

"Wha- OOF!" The knee slammed straight into his face, a squarely hit blow by a squarely good lass just as his back touched the ground, his legs smashing nothing but the earth. He didn't even see her! He... sort of had it coming, leaving himself wide open like that.  Therefore, the hit connected. Therefore, the hit impacted. The cutting beam punched into his back before it ceased to be exposed, piercing into the armour and his back.

"Nice moves!"

You didn't need a million obvious openings. Sometimes, one is enough. Because the hit that should've pushed into tissue and bone slipped. He shifted his head, grabbing the force of her hit, dragging the power to smash her limb off course right next by his head.

But it still hit good, and it sure as hell hurt like a good knee! So she shouldn't mind if he tried to use his legs to push back.... and his unused arms that were just waiting there to try and grab her at that moment!

--- End quote ---


As soon as the attack landed, it began to burn him. But, because it only was in contact with a single spot for a moment, it only created a small, cauterized slice of marginal depth. Coconut flew upwards, above him in a large arc, always maintaining a safe distance away.

She began charging her attack again.


--- Quote from: Aiden on September 16, 2019, 06:00:04 AM ---Sage

'I am no friend of demons - but I may also admire beauty where I find it.'

Indeed, it appeared inspiring - for the dragon soon began first to shrink in size, bones cracking like the snapping of branches, and then wood gave way to flesh. A more familiar, less grandiose disguise took the place of the arboreal leviathan from before.

"Indeed, I find I may wish to replicate the feat myself!" The lovely naked elf from before stood beneath her flying companion. From her position, Eru could see the beginnings of wings starting to sprout from Sage as she hunched over in place. "Nnn~"

They were rather tiny, actually.

--- End quote ---


Sage suddenly felt a heavy chop down upon her head from an invisible force. "You fool! Don't mindlessly change the aesthetics of your appearance!" She exclaimed loudly and indignantly. She ran forward and spun sage around. "Large, reptillian wings here and here-" She said, poking the base of her shoulderblades. "Horns here!" She pressed against the side of the elf's head, right above her ears, and slightly in front. "Big, glorious horns!" She exclaimed. "And a long tail! If you're going to do something, you have to go all the way. Take an appearance that just screams dragon!"


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