Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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Did her forget she had two legs?

While smashing away her leg like that would look cool to an amateur, it also placed his head right in the perfect spot, and she capitalized on that hard. She'd already moved her other leg when he knocked her strike off course and now it was all perfectly set up.

Perfectly set up for her to initiate a leg lock on his neck. But she didn't stop there, no she continued on with the flow and had her hands join in for a hold on his head.

"Apologize to her! Apologize to my student for ruining her sparring match with your interference!"


--- Quote from: Sinib on September 18, 2019, 11:29:04 PM ---Eruraviel

Sage suddenly felt a heavy chop down upon her head from an invisible force. "You fool! Don't mindlessly change the aesthetics of your appearance!" She exclaimed loudly and indignantly. She ran forward and spun sage around. "Large, reptillian wings here and here-" She said, poking the base of her shoulderblades. "Horns here!" She pressed against the side of the elf's head, right above her ears, and slightly in front. "Big, glorious horns!" She exclaimed. "And a long tail! If you're going to do something, you have to go all the way. Take an appearance that just screams dragon!"

--- End quote ---


"Ah!" She suddenly stopped, her hands flying up to her head to rub where Eru struck her. "W-Wait, this seems a touch excessive!"

Sage covered herself almost instinctively at the sudden poking and prodding.

"Would it not defeat the point if I suddenly looked for all to see like a dragon?!"


--- Quote from: Aiden on September 19, 2019, 01:42:19 AM ---
--- Quote from: Sinib on September 18, 2019, 11:29:04 PM ---Eruraviel

Sage suddenly felt a heavy chop down upon her head from an invisible force. "You fool! Don't mindlessly change the aesthetics of your appearance!" She exclaimed loudly and indignantly. She ran forward and spun sage around. "Large, reptillian wings here and here-" She said, poking the base of her shoulderblades. "Horns here!" She pressed against the side of the elf's head, right above her ears, and slightly in front. "Big, glorious horns!" She exclaimed. "And a long tail! If you're going to do something, you have to go all the way. Take an appearance that just screams dragon!"

--- End quote ---


"Ah!" She suddenly stopped, her hands flying up to her head to rub where Eru struck her. "W-Wait, this seems a touch excessive!"

Sage covered herself almost instinctively at the sudden poking and prodding.

"Would it not defeat the point if I suddenly looked for all to see like a dragon?!"

--- End quote ---


"You need to go all the way! If you're going to have wings at all, or else there's no point!"


"Oh, I'm so sorry." He said in the least genuine tone ever. He had his hands locked on her legs, she had her arms and legs locked around his neck. It was like a snake coiling around itself, they were totally glued together And his massive frame loomed over the forest, he turned to Coconut and winked.

"How about I apologize with this!" One of his arms stretched its hold further, and shot up to grab her by the shoulder, while the other kept its hold on her leg! It was possible, due to his massive reach, and while the move didn't start up as fast as Lily's freakish speed, once his body was set into motion it boomed forth like an absolute avalanche of power!


His hold on her leg didn't matter to her, and to make matters worse for himself, he even released it on one of them. It made no difference to her, she was already where she wanted to be, it was all on him really for failing so spectacularly.

"There's no kindness on the battlefield."

Her legs simply tightened around his neck, she squeezed his throat with all the strength in her powerful thighs to try and cut off his air supply. Then her strike came, with deadly accuracy she jammed her fingers into both of his eyeballs.


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