Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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Legs tightened around his neck like a vice, shutting his throat completely. He tried to struggle his way out of her grip.. But that was just the prelude to the end. Because before he could even gasp, two lances shot straight into him.

She could feel it, a wet feeling running down her fingers. But it was not so. It should have been warm, but the flesh she poked into was as cold as a corpse. And something rigid was keeping her from pushing any further.

Her blow had pierced the cheeks just beneath his eyes. He was just grinning ear to ear, his eyes intact. He shifted the strike as if she was an open book. And while he had her on one side, another hand was already shooting up to grab her poking one.

"Come on, eye poking's just gonna put off the audience; Damn amateur." Foam was building in his mouth, and blood was running down his cheeks. Despite that, he was grinning.


The poke missed its intended target but that was because she never intended to poke him the first place. Right before her fingers poked both of his eyes, her hands balled into fists and she boinked him Over the head with the same impossible direction changing technique as before.

"Let me go or I'll really do it." Her thigh muscles bulged as she punctuated her demand by squeezing his throat oh so slightly harder.


--- Quote from: Sinib on September 19, 2019, 01:48:52 AM ---Eruraviel

"You need to go all the way! If you're going to have wings at all, or else there's no point!"

--- End quote ---


The druid appeared momentarily distraught at this assertion of preference over her, her lips pursed together in irritation at Eruraviel's commands. It was only after a moment's consideration that she began to withdraw the offending appendages into her back once more. "Very well. I would prefer to stay as a rather convincing elf at this time, then."


She was rewarded by an enthusiastic elf pulling her into a facefull of titflesh, hugging her tightly. "You really have good taste in elvish bodies, you know. I haven't ever met a dragon as cool as you! Most of them are old stooges more worried about their treasure than making friends or chatting."


"Mmphhm!" It was unclear if the pseudo-elf, her arms flapping about in an undignified manner at the sudden deprivation of air and sight, spoke with the intent to agree with Eruraviel or not. It was only as she successfully extricated her face from the true elf's chest, breathing deeply to restore oxygen to her reddened cheeks, that she managed to clarify. "T-Treasure is a very important matter! But is it not better to have others who can appreciate it with you, rather than to squat upon it alone?"


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