Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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--- Quote from: Aiden on September 21, 2019, 05:17:14 PM ---Sage

"Mmphhm!" It was unclear if the pseudo-elf, her arms flapping about in an undignified manner at the sudden deprivation of air and sight, spoke with the intent to agree with Eruraviel or not. It was only as she successfully extricated her face from the true elf's chest, breathing deeply to restore oxygen to her reddened cheeks, that she managed to clarify. "T-Treasure is a very important matter! But is it not better to have others who can appreciate it with you, rather than to squat upon it alone?"

--- End quote ---


"Yes!" She exclaimed excitedly. "Now, let me show you mine!"


Sage's current form had lovely red eyes, and now they sparkled in excitement at the prospect before her. She grabbed hold of both of Eruraviel's hands and said, "Yes, please!"


--- Quote from: Bern on September 21, 2019, 03:31:20 AM --- Lily

The poke missed its intended target but that was because she never intended to poke him the first place. Right before her fingers poked both of his eyes, her hands balled into fists and she boinked him Over the head with the same impossible direction changing technique as before.

"Let me go or I'll really do it." Her thigh muscles bulged as she punctuated her demand by squeezing his throat oh so slightly harder.

--- End quote ---


The sound of the fist hitting his head was as hollow as hitting an empty armor. He just grumbled, damn vixen. He was sure he had her, but just as he thought he pinpointed her she shifted to something else. No, he was sure she did pierce his eyes.

"Quit being so slippery... was your maam a hamster or something?!" Suddenly, the earth boomed and he hurled towards a nearby tree, intending to crush her on the massive bark! Just as the splinters started to fly all over, his arm shifted impossibly and flew to grip her other shoulder.


Splinters did indeed fly, the splinters of the tree that was just cleaved in half by them as it proved completely incapable of impeding them in any way. As they flew through it she felt his grip on her shift which granted her exactly what she wanted.

In that one moment his grip on her wasn't enough, and she struck. Her body coiled itself down and around his neck like a snake, an ordinary person would have crushed their own organs if they moved like but she made it look easy. Her foot caught his throat somehow and she used that kick off against and launch herself away from him.

"Good boy! See you can listen!"


The giant's breath was heavy as he stood around the smashed terrain. Only then did he turn to Lily. "What the hell have you been eating brat? That was no kid's punch." But it was a fun grapple. He cocked a grin and wiped his mouth before immediately vanishing. The ground beneath him had exploded, and he was already rushing towards her, arms poised for a tackle.

"You're pretty good! Let's rock!"


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