Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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"What I eat? Oh that's easy, it's fools like you."

Lily dug her feet deep into the ground, the earth shattering beneath much like when he had stormed off towards her. It looked like she was seriously considering to catch him, she crouched and got herself in position to receive him, clearly aiming to deflect him away somewhere, that is what her her whole stance, her center of balance said but then...



Suddenly, the girl who had been so ignored, the girl who was quietly seething, silently launched another attack. The magic she'd been gathering coalesced into a ball, and then into a smaller orb the size of her fist floated in front of her. She scrunched up her face in concentration, attempting to hold it together, to keep it from blowing them all to kingdom come.

She had an idea, but she wasn't entirely sure she was capable of it yet.



The impact was unreal, he felt like he was about to puke blood! It was enough to shake him all over! But the warrior didn't halt. On the contrary. All of the momentum of that blow only made his follow up stronger. Fuck that hurt though...

"Chew on this then!" The moment just before the impact, two hands came crashing down on her neck at the same time, a brutal Mongolian chop! The timing was plainly sharper, if you were easily fooled you might even say he was as fast as her. "120% CASUAL SMACKDOWN HORIZON!!"


It was like crashing headfirst into a mountain, his body refused to give an inch even as she rammed him with her all powerful elbow, but this didn't work solely to his advantage. In the moment of the strike itself, Lily had been briefly airborne in order to land her strike perfectly and now that the force couldn't push him away it had to go somewhere.

Her body shook like a string that had been pulled way too tight and then...

She was blasted away from him by the blow back making his counter hit naught but empty air. Even so, she tried to stop herself by planting her feet firmly into the ground but both the angle and the ground was a poor combination for breaking and she ended up tumbling around a dozen times before coming to a halt in a stand up, the transition from the roll to standing up had looked so smooth you'd have thought she'd planned this all along.

"I'm sorry, but it's hard to hold back my power any more than that."


"DEATH BALL!" A high-pitched, shrill voice screamed down from up high, and the crackling ball of condensed magical energy came hurtling down upon Vanguard at frightening speeds.


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