Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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--- Quote from: Bern on August 09, 2019, 06:48:51 PM --- Lily

"Yeah it's over, but I guess you don't want my special heat infused massage, your body must be so sore after that tough workout but I guess if you don't want it, it can't be helped..."  Lily said as she awaited her answer. She was a bit disappointed that Coco thought she was tricking, all she wanted to do was teach the girl some sitauational awareness.

--- End quote ---


Coconut seemed to consider that for a moment before she dived down towards Lily arms outstretched. "Yay!" She exclaimed. "I'm going to be so strong soon, Mommy's going to be so impressed!"


"Oh you have that much energy left? Maybe I should go haaarder on you" Lily said with a smirk as the small ball of energy known as Coco flew towards with her arms outstretched. But she neither moved out of the way nor held her own arms open.


Coco hurtled downwards at Lily, speeding up before she crahed into the girl and wrapped her arms around her in a hug. Her legs soon followed, latching themselves around the girl's waist.

"Haaah. That was... exhausting."


4:15 PM

With her tasks completed, Nanako found herself wandering the streets again, then dirt paths, then places with no paths at all, eventually finding her way back to a curious, primeval forest. The squirrel girl flitted about aimlessly, occasionally stopping to take a closer look at anything that caught her eye, occasionally climbing the nearest tree to get a better view, but otherwise not being sure where to go next. The Citadel seemed like a fun place to visit some time, and it had been right next to that curious academy place. Offhandedly, Nanako hoped that Shirou hadn't gotten himself kidnapped again in the time since she'd left them, but she doubted it. It had only been a few hours, after all, not like they'd run into something out of their league again so soon.

Putting her idle musings aside, Nanako went back to looking for whatever caught her eye, wondering how she'd explain being barred from the Dojo district to Justice. That promised to be an awkward talk, whenever she saw him again.


"Fluffy Tail get!"

Just as Nanako was about to jump down from the branch she was sitting on the tree grabbed hold of her very fluffy squirrel tail. No it wasn't the tree itself, but rather a person who had been sitting perfectly still for the past half hour and who had attuned her inner energy with nature to the point she became one with it. A whole flock of small birds had landed on her and immediately flew away from her as she grabbed Nanako's tail.

"Animal girls are the greatest!!" Of course she spared no time and reeled her in by the tail like some sort of landfish. 


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