Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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--- Quote from: Aiden on October 01, 2019, 12:11:09 AM ---Sage

A smile made its way across the dragon's elvish face, and as her heart beat most fiercely she reached out to touch Eruraviel's own. "Children are wonderful."

But as she was pulled along she frowned in consideration, looking her new companion up and down.

"I actually believe you are just the right height, Eru. It shall allow you to sit on my lap as though it were a throne."

Then the last part registered, and the dragon blinked in apparent confusion.

Wait, fiancee?

--- End quote ---


Eru's ears twitched in realization that sage was confused. "Yes. I am to be married in the near future, in an attempt to increase the power of both of our lines."

She leaned forward and sighed onto Sage's sensitive ear, knowing the contact would throw her off. "She's a cute litle human morsel, but also incredibly talented in the field of magic."


Most unfamiliar with such sensations against her sensitive ear, Sage shivered delightfully against Eruraviel. "A-Ah. So you are planning to mate with her. That is... sensible." Her hand moved down to her own belly. "Of course, I will have to eat her spawn if they compete with ours beyond what is reasonable."


--- Quote from: Aiden on October 01, 2019, 01:05:18 AM ---Sage

Most unfamiliar with such sensations against her sensitive ear, Sage shivered delightfully against Eruraviel. "A-Ah. So you are planning to mate with her. That is... sensible." Her hand moved down to her own belly. "Of course, I will have to eat her spawn if they compete with ours beyond what is reasonable."

--- End quote ---


Eru flicked her oh-so-sensitive ear. "Bad. You'll do no such thing, these children will be a significant investment for me." Eru scolded Sage, shaking her head sadly.

Then, Eru's purple eyes lit up. "So, you're carrying, and already know?"


"Is that not what you do with competitors' children...?" Sage seemed honestly confused by this, tilting her head to the side in curiosity - and holding her ear with a wince. "How strange elves and humans can be."

Seemingly willing to allow this strangeness to pass, she inclined her head to Eru. "Your seed was most bountiful, yes!"


--- Quote from: Aiden on October 01, 2019, 01:09:23 AM ---Sage

"Is that not what you do with competitors' children...?" Sage seemed honestly confused by this, tilting her head to the side in curiosity - and holding her ear with a wince. "How strange elves and humans can be."

Seemingly willing to allow this strangeness to pass, she inclined her head to Eru. "Your seed was most bountiful, yes!"

--- End quote ---


"Of course it is! I'm blessed by the goddess of fertility, after all!" She exclaimed. Whether or not this claim was true was a rather dubious proposition, but she sure was proud of it. Or sounded so, at least.

"Can I-have one?" Eru suddenly began to shuffle back and forth, fawning over Sage. "It would prove-quite fruitful, for my research. I promise to compensate you fairly, of course!"

She suddenly grabbed Sage's arm and pressed her breasts tightly up against it.


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