Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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"I suppose I shall have to see her for myself to know of what you speak." And speaking of seeing...

Sage turned around and began to examine Eruraviel again, using her hands to compare their respective heights. The dragon appeared to be attempting to visualize what a taller version of her current companion would look like, and what kind of impression it would leave on her. She tilted her green-haired head to the side in consideration.

"I rather enjoy this appearance of yours currently, Eru. But then, I suppose it is rather more novel for me than it is for you."


The gem on Eru's forehead glowed, and Eru's body began to elongate. Her legs lengthened, became more lean and supple, and she grew to even be taller than Sage.

She pranced around to the back and rested her chin atop Sage's head. "Yes, this is quite agreeable to me."

Her voice had gotten a tad deeper as well, fitting her newly enlarged form.


Sage appeared quite fascinated by the process more than anything. Her current form's red eyes took in every detail as Eruraviel's form changed, from the way the magic flowed from the gem to the way her flesh rippled and her bones creaked from the transformation. A smile overtook her face as the elf settled in behind her, and she leaned back into Eru.

"I must compliment you on such a refined metamorphosis - and yet, I wonder how you can afford the price behind such a thing? Unless this is merely a temporary change it must have... cost you dearly."


"Fufufu, a woman has her secrets, you know~ But, if you must know, no, it doesn't cost me that much. I'm a master archmage, so something as simple as this is a trifiling occasion to me."

She ran her fingers down the now shorter woman's chest, reveling in her height. "I have metamagics I can use by burning the souls I keep in my gems."


"That sounds most horrible."

And yet, the shiver that crawled its way down Sage's spine was not one of disgust.

"I have never heard of a wizard capable of such a feat! My princess continues to surprise."


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