Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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Eru draped her arms around Sage's shoulders before cupping the underside of the girl's smaller breasts. She kneaded them gently, holding Sage tightly and envrloping her in her presence.

"I was expecting a bit more disgust, Sage. Some have even branded me as a heretic."


There was some delay between Eruraviel's shameless grasping and squeezing of Sage's current form, and an actual response to the elvish necromancer's disbelief in the matter at hand. Evidently this dragon had practiced a considerable amount of time to get the texture and softness of the elvish body down properly... and her face was flushed a bright red.

"N-Nature wastes nothing of those who fall before it. Meat, bone, fur - all is of use."

Her posterior was rubbing against Eruraviel as they stood there in the corridor.

"What is one more part?"


Eru rubbed her crotch against Sage's ass, grinding her now stiffening prick against her crack. Reaching up and tweaking her nipples.

"That's a verrry enlightened perspective, Sage~" Eru purred at her lover. "Is it true, that dragons have limitless stamina?"


"E-Evidently you do, considering how little time has passed from our last coupling!"

Sage felt her own unfamiliar length starting to grow hard as well. Elves were so strange.

"Is this to be my fate, then? Ravished and bred over and over again for the nefarious whims of royalty?"


"Only if you want it. I simply wish to consummate our wonderous procreation~" She groaned, pressing her hips hard against the dragon. "For it truly is a joyous occasion to create more elvenblooded children for this desolate city."


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