Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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"... I have many questions."

Because it was at this point that Sage was all but ready to let Eruraviel enter her while standing up, her knees only refraining from buckling due to her own considerable strength.

"I will ask them perhaps in the morning~"


--- Quote from: Aiden on October 06, 2019, 08:54:53 PM ---Sage

"... I have many questions."

Because it was at this point that Sage was all but ready to let Eruraviel enter her while standing up, her knees only refraining from buckling due to her own considerable strength.

"I will ask them perhaps in the morning~"

--- End quote ---


Eru lifted the dragon's skirt up and began to slide her throbbing cock inside of Sage's warm folds. "Yes, I think that's a good idea..."

She leaned forward and pressed herself on Sage's back. "I love you~" She whispered in her ear...
3:00 am

The two women had just exited the exotic bath Eru had promised, and were both squeaky clean, cleaner than a baby's bottom. Not a smidge of dirt besmirched either of their bodies anymore. The elf held onto Sage's arm like an excited teenager, giggling about something. "I have instructed my smiths to prepare a present for you, sage~"


The dragon felt as if she were in somewhat of a daze, her face visibly lost through a haze of warmth. This time had been yet stranger than the first, and it was all Sage could do not to lean into the now-taller princess who so insistently pursued her presence. "First your queer elvish courtships, and now presents?"

Her face burned most furiously, and her voice lilted with a measure of amazement.

"You are so very strange, Eru."


Eru pulled Sage into a hug, resting the dragon's head against her ample mounds while she rested her chin atop the girl's head. "Yes, a present." She answered simply. Then, one of Eru's attendants entered the room and did a short curtsy.

"Madame, we have created what you requested." She bowed in front of Sage and offered her a brilliant platinum collar, studded with rare gems and thrumming with tantilizing magics.


Sage's eyes lit up immediately, her pupils shrinking to a pinpoint in fascination at the sight before her. Her breathing became noticeably labored against Eruraviel's body, and she shakily reached out to grasp hold of the precious prize proffered unto her. 'Magnificent...', she whispered softly in her native tongue in a manner far less native than was typical.

She looked it over, every inch of it, feeling it up with her elvish form's delicate fingers in fascination. Sage's nostrils inhaled as they passed over the platinum. "Tis a composition most pure, and yet it has such little weight. Its scent fills my senses with the promise of magics yet unknown to me!"

She turned to face Eruraviel, holding the collar up with much questioning in her eyes.


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