Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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"Haaah~" Her neck leaned opposite the direction Eruraviel was approaching from, maximizing the space that Sage's new elf friend had to work with. "Yes, yes - praise my greatness!"

Dragons truly did resemble oversized felines in every way that mattered. As if aware of the comparison this particular one then moved her face to lick Eruraviel's hand - and her tongue was nice and rough. Mischief sparkled in her eyes.


"Fufufu, that's new~" Eru chuckled. "Why don't you grow a cat tail too if you're going to go that route. Become a full felinid."

Eru continued scratching her, leading the two back upstairs towards the outdoors even as they continued to flirt.


Something soft, long and fuzzy began to swat against Eruraviel's leg while the pseudo-elf in front of her grinned in a manner most smug. "Shall I make myself warm and cozy upon thine lap then, Eru~?"

Her arms wrapped around the elf's, and she pressed herself up close whilst she followed along to the surface. A deep, cleansing breath entered Sage's lungs once the fresh air returned.


"Well, you see-" Eru reached down suddenly and began stracting Aage in that spot cats liked so much, right above their tail. "I know a thing or two about catgirls. They were favored slaves in my kingdom."

The elf's tongue snaked out and licked the cat-elf right behind her ear.

"My pet told me that she really liked how my penis didn't have any barbs~"


A soft squeak escaped from Sage at the unexpected contact. Her new tail became almost perpendicular to the rest of her body in direction, and a fearsome shiver went up the dragon's spine. "N-None of the stories I read about princesses said anything about that~!"

Shameless red flushed its way up to the tips of Sage's ears.

"I see I still have much to learn about royalty."


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