Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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--- Quote from: Aiden on January 07, 2020, 12:43:19 AM ---The Great Northern Forest

It was dark despite the early rising of dawn. The light of the sun could not shine brightly here at its apex, let alone at its dim nadir. The divine weapon had to find her way through by sound, by feeling. Throughout the thick wooden pathways of the forest the song of life echoed between pillars of bark - the rustling of the trees, the call of birds in the highest boughs, the cracking of twigs as predatory chased prey. The only exception, Thorra found, was around herself. Wherever she went a sphere of silence radiated out from her lovely feminine shell.

Nothing dared to draw her attention. The closest she got to seeing another creature was the faintest light reflecting off distant eyes above her.

Her prey was watching, somewhere.

--- End quote ---


The godling's puppeted body began to glow with the crackling of static electricity, illuminating the dark woods in a pale bluish light.

Her body was gorgeous, innately attractive to anything with a sapient mind. Her toned muscles, her smooth, thick curves and her generous assets all made her prey lust for her body. She lashed out in a vauge direction, the trunk of a tree exploded.

"Come out and fight me, dragon!"

The Great Northern Forest

The forest erupted into panic as Thorra went from stalking predator to immediate threat. The birds scattered into flight, their wings and cries filling the air around her almost as loudly as the sound of shattering wood. Or shrapnel tearing its way through other trees for that matter. It didn't seem to bring her any real results other than feeling nice in the bludgeoning sense. Soon the forest was silent around her again, but from absence rather than fear.

Faint light began to peek through the gap left behind by the tree as its remains crashed against and rested on its neighbors, creating a positively picturesque image cutting through a cloud of sawdust and falling leaves. A being more contemplative than Thorra might have paused for a moment to appreciate the tableau left in her wake.

But she wasn't, so she wasn't distracted when she felt the ground beneath her shift violently upward, exploding in a shower of dirt and debris as a gigantic emerald maw rose up from the earth to consume her!


Thorra smiled as the light shone through to the forest floor, taking a single step forward and seeming to have let her guard down.

But then, once the cavernous maw burst from the ground, she laughed, and flew upwards. She swung, space distorting and bending to allow her great strike to hit true. It crashed into the scaley face with the force of the gods, erupting in blinding lightning and deafening thunder that shook the trees.

"Whoa there!" She exclaimed, a big, happy grin on her face.

The Dragon

The great beast was knocked upon its back, and only what had to be experience prevented it from crushing its own wings beneath itself with the impact. As quickly as it landed it turned back over, rolling over and knocking aside another tree with its massive bulk. 'YOU DARE TO CHALLENGE ASTALAN, FIRST SON OF THE FOREST?!'

Gender thus revealed, the dragon rose up on its hind legs and reared back, guarding its head with its arms and gathering breath within itself. 'YOU SHALL MELT!'

And then a great cone of emerald mist sprayed forth across the air, seeking to remove the flesh from Thorra's shell.


"Yaaah!" Thorra roared at the dragon as the all encompassing, acrid green spray headed directly towards her. She didn't fear it or flee from it, no-she burst right into it, and then through it, miraculously no worse for the wear. Glowing with divine brilliance, she landed atop the dragon's head and grabbed onto his horns.

"Hi! My name's Thorra! Unfortunately, I'm going to have to kill you now. Sorry about that! I need your bones."


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