Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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Thorra could smell the urine and fear from the magnificent beast, and she couldn't help but feel bad. "Don't worry about any of that! I'll make this quick!" She exclaimed.

She spun herself around in her hand, making a screeching whirring sound and then, a brilliant boom as she breached the sound barrier.

"I'm sorry I have to do this! You seem like a nice guy!"

She slammed the hammer directly into the already damaged section of his skull with a tremendous crack of electricity. Kinetic force and divine electricity surged through his body.



The beast made one great, furious surge to tear Thorra away, grabbing hold of her entire body and working to tear her off even if it had to rip its own hide off to do it! But it only got as far as its enormous talons closing around her before the hammer struck home, and in a thunderclap its head... exploded. Slightly.


The forest was silent again.


The two reappeared in a clearing, deep inside the forest. The mana was dense and earthy in the air, and past the clearing, there was only darkness and the sounds of predators. In the center of it, a table had been set up with steaming hot tea, coffee, biscuits, and fruit lining the banquet. She released his hand and bowed. "Please, avail yourself and eat to your heart's content. If there's anything lacking, I shall immediately rectify the situation. As my guest here, I'll do my best to take care of you while we have our little chat."


He glanced around the clearing. There was clearly some sort of magical field that kept the rest of the unruly forest at bay, and judging by the things present here... It was hardly her true base. Neutral grounds indeed...

Once he had taken stock of the surroundings he pulled back his hood to reveal his own youthful appearance. The obscuring darkness shattered in an instant and all was revealed.

"There is hardly a reward sweeter than the presence of a maiden as fair as you. Those ears of you are truly long and majestic, a symbol of your accrued wisdom hmm-"


--- Quote from: Bern on March 18, 2020, 06:04:24 PM ---William

He glanced around the clearing. There was clearly some sort of magical field that kept the rest of the unruly forest at bay, and judging by the things present here... It was hardly her true base. Neutral grounds indeed...

Once he had taken stock of the surroundings he pulled back his hood to reveal his own youthful appearance. The obscuring darkness shattered in an instant and all was revealed.

"There is hardly a reward sweeter than the presence of a maiden as fair as you. Those ears of you are truly long and majestic, a symbol of your accrued wisdom hmm-"

--- End quote ---


The elf's ears trembled with delight at his compliments, as well as his newly-revealed visage. He was exactly the type of pretty boy that got her excited-smooth, angular face, strong, and tight butt-if he was just a common man, she'd make him a woman right here and now.

She scratched behind her right ear, walking over to the table and pulling out a seat for him. "Thank you for your words of honey, William. You must have traveled quite a ways to arrive here like this."


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