Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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"You needn't do such things. It's unbecoming of me to allow such a fine lady to present seats.  But you are correct, however it is a journey not measured in land traversed but ages passed."

His eyes flickered over her form and aprreciated every sinful curve. She was quite the specimen, if he had more time to fool around then perhaps-

" I would much rather have  a dance with you and see the grace of a wonderful Elf first hand. It is the least I can do for the woman helping me to bring the first member of my harem back." He held out his hand to said Elf, as an invitation but that wasn't the whole picture. He had just bragged about having a goddess as a harem member. It would likely make her try harder to impress him in her own way.


Eruraviel's ears trembled just a tad, the tips shaking the most. She chuckled, and pushed in the chair. "My my, you're a greedy one, aren't you? Asking a married woman to dance is quite rude among humans, isn't it?"

She hopped forwards, grabbing his hand and spinning him around and then placing her hand on his butt.

"Try to keep up with me, ok?"


With a nimbly placed arm by her waste his response came quick, and the elf found herself bent backwards with his mysterious form looming above. No, with each passing minute he seemed more firm, more there.

"But there's nothing sweeter than taking that which you should not have."  Then he quickly spun her back up and let go after a twirl. "The correction is just about done now and my form made manifest eternal. Now is the time to proceed, I believe you know a thing or two about binding souls to bodies?"


"You've done your homework. You won't be able to find one more knowledgable about the study of souls than myself." She replied, staring up at him with her blazing red eyes. She hopped backwards and did an intricate backflip, twirling through the air and landing on her toes, beckoning him towards her. "And luckily for you, I'm happy to hire out my services for fair compensation. Who do you want me to pull out of that soul-gem?"


The dark mage chuckled lightly at her sudden burst of enthusiasm, her true goal was so easily palpable. If you're tryingg to make your guests feel at home then you shouldn't get like this when they throw you a simple bone. It was quite though amd fit his earlier assessment of her status. Only entitled royalty acted like this.

"If it were as simple as drawing it out then I could have done myself. No I require a suitable vessel that can hold her."


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