Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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The elf chuckled. "That goes without saying, of course-I have plenty of sutiable vessels for even a goddess like the one you've bound to your service. It will just require a few cosmetic alterations to suit her tastes." She suddenly clapped her hands, walking closer towards him. "And, while you may be able to do it yourself, if I do it, there are far less risks involved for her." She said, eyes shimmering. "The only thing I want in return is the oppurtunity to make a copy of them."



The answer came abruptly the moment she uttered the word 'copy'. Darkness gathered once more around his form and obscured him as his temper flared. "Not only is that despicable, to tarnish what I have been entrusted, it would rupture the balance as a whole and plunge the Tower into further chaos. You may study them to your heart's content but make no alterations to them lest my wrath be the least of your worries Elf."

He suddenly leaned closer until they were face to face. "There are more things you want, you just don't know about yet, but perhaps you can spare me your name first, I'm running out of endearing epithets unless you'd prefer for me to resort to crude language."


Eruraviel pursed her lips and puffed her cheeks out into a pout. Her ears trembled a tad, confirming her emotions for the world to see. How unfortunate. He wasn't going to let her do it the easy way, so she'd have to put in a lot more effort to get the results she wanted!

Oh well. It had been worth a shot, at least. She'd just have to wring other concessions out of him instead. Like his aid in defeating her wife's enemies, perhaps.

The elf's face returned to normal, chuckling afterwords. "My name is Eruraviel Lavinnia, William. I would not make alterations to them regardless-such powerful souls do not need that sort of petty manipulation to make them shine." A shadow slunk out from under the table, and began serving them tea, whispering unintelligible gibberish to itself that perhaps not even the elf understood. "Plus, from the glimpse I had, the goddess has a strong affinity for you. Was she perhaps your girlfriend? Or something more?"

She sat down on a throne made of semisolid shadow, and held out her hand. "Let me see it again. I need some time to examine them for damage, and to figure out what sorts of bodies I'll need to create for them."


"She was my cute little maid who did all my bidding, and she only got better the more I opened her up...." William looked down at the shadow that had served them with disgust. His temper soured again and once more the shadows gathered in the corners. "You have such a filthy tool serving you tea?"


He knocked the cups over, or rather another him appeared right next to them and knocked them over before serving a newer fresher batch of tea. The other him wore a completely different outfit, a butler outfit at that yet his facial features were exactly the same. Not only that, but his magic signature, his smell, his very presence, even the soul facsimile, was exactly the same.

"You deserve better than that. From what I've gathered so far, you used to be Royalty, correct?" As he asked his question, he pulled out the deep blue crystal once more as she had requested but he didn't hand it to her. No he was far too busy looking at it himself with a longing passion of a bygone age.


--- Quote from: Bern on March 25, 2020, 05:53:34 PM ---William

"She was my cute little maid who did all my bidding, and she only got better the more I opened her up...." William looked down at the shadow that had served them with disgust. His temper soured again and once more the shadows gathered in the corners. "You have such a filthy tool serving you tea?"


He knocked the cups over, or rather another him appeared right next to them and knocked them over before serving a newer fresher batch of tea. The other him wore a completely different outfit, a butler outfit at that yet his facial features were exactly the same. Not only that, but his magic signature, his smell, his very presence, even the soul facsimile, was exactly the same.

"You deserve better than that. From what I've gathered so far, you used to be Royalty, correct?" As he asked his question, he pulled out the deep blue crystal once more as she had requested but he didn't hand it to her. No he was far too busy looking at it himself with a longing passion of a bygone age.

--- End quote ---


The shadow skittered away in fear, fleeing from the sun, fleeing from its master, and fleeing from her guest. It disappeared under the table once more, hiding in the darkness from the two mages.

"Hoho~ Are you implying that I am not still royalty to this day? Just because my parents and my sister squandered my birthright doesn't change the fact of my bloodline." She retorted, running her hand down her long, golden hair. She walked forwards, staring at the gem herself, eyes glowing blood red as she took in information, staring intently and unblinkingly at the ultimate prize. "You must have been quite the powerhouse in your prime, if you managed to get a prideful little thing like her to be your maid. I must genuinely applaud your abilties, William. I'm impressed."

She reached out, and took a cup of tea for herself, taking a sip from William's brew. "What do you plan on doing? After you free them?"


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