Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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"COCONUT BEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMM!" A loud, shrill voice suddenly exclaimed. An enormous wave of bright magic came hurtling down from the treetops at searing speeds, headed directly towards Nanako and Lily, threatening to consume them.

Please work!


"ANNNNNND I'm outtaaaa heeeeere!"

Lily immediately jumped to the side as she heard the dumb name of the attack being spouted, better safe then sorry. Actually she had felt the energy buildup since the start but didn't want to give it away to the squirrel since she seemed to lack those senses.


Nanako cocked an eyebrow as she heard a shrill voice off in the distance, when Lily suddenly moved. Her eyes widened, the squirrel girl exploding into motion and leaping in the opposite direction just as the attack was called out, landing on another tree. The searing wave of energy passed between them with room to spare, but thinking more about what had been called out than the attack itself.

...Eh, passable for a rookie. Looks like that apprentice has a long way to go.

Nanako kept a closer watch on her surroundings now, looking around for that apprentice of Lily's.


The small demon held her hands out in front of herself, maintaining the beam's output for as long as possible. As Nanako dodged, the beam changed directions, following her in the air.


Nanako realized her mistake as soon as she leapt and saw the beam curving around to strike her mid-air. Between the squirrel girl and the redhead leaping off the tree and the beam clipping it as came around to hit her, however, there was plenty of debris surrounding her. Nothing big enough to use as platforms with the beam so close, however, the squirrel girl wincing in preparation to take the hit.

But there was nothing, feathery spectral wings tearing their way out of her back for only the briefest of instants, a single flap turning all her speed and momentum to a new direction entirely, the sheer force of movement reduced the debris around her to dust and splinters, an obscuring cloud billowing out slowly compared to the squirrel girl. Nanako rocketed through the air just above the beam, tearing out a chunk of tree as she passed and kicking off it, another cloud of moss and tree dust billowing up as she did, gliding over the beam as she rocketed up towards its source.


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