Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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12:00 PM

Inside her base

After a bit more time spend designing the dimensions of her body, Eruraviel lead him through her villiage by foot, into her base underneath a truly immense tree brimming with mana and life force. Inside, it was staffed by a cadre of exquisitely designed women of incredible beauty, all running around and preparing Noire's vessel. Eventually, they arrived at a room deep underneath the tree, illuminated by bioluminescent moss covering the ceiling that bathed the room in a calm, blue light.

Laying on an operating table in the center of the room was the inert corpse of his maid atop an impossibly complex magical circle, with a small cart full of both magical artifacts that he didn't recognize as well as more familiar surgical equipment. She turned to him, and stuck out her hand. "Please hand me the crystal now-I need to start soon, or the body won't hold up as well and the quality of her vessel will suffer."


The exact nature of her equipment didn't really interest him, he had other ventures to look into first before indulging in a fleeting interest like that. Besides, he had been the one to initiate this so it couldn't have been a set up. If it was, he'd have to begrudgingly applaud her, and then kill her slowly and painfully,

Don't drop it, it's explosive." That was a lie.

He didn't even wait for that message to properly sink in though before making a one hand toss over to her. The blue shimmering crystal sailed towards the elf and was about to land on her head unless she caught it.


Evening Day 3

She snorted. "As if you'd keep something so precious in a contact explosive." She turned around as it flew towards her, reaching behind her back and grabbing it out of the air. "We may have only just met, but I know that you wouldn't ever do something that foolish."

Holding it with her left hand, her entire body began to faintly glow. She channeled her own magic through her entire body and began to chant in several lost languages concurrently-old elvish, abyssal, fey and draconic. An hour passed, and as she chanted, the crystal began to glow, pulsing along with her own heartbeat. Magic swirled through the air, and then concentrated at her fingertips. She pressed her index finger against the crystal and slowly pulled a glowing white orb out.

She sighed, gently putting the crystal down upon the cart, poking at the soul and examining its pure composition, freed from the confines of its body. "Ufufu, I see, so this is possible..." She muttered to herself quietly in elvish, finally moving again after a few hours of examination. Holding it in her palm, she fed it into the mouth of Noire. It snaked into the woman's body, whose eyes fluttered open with a gasp.

She turned to William and smiled. "I'm quite satisfied with the fruits of our agreement-I'll make sure to check up on her every day for a while, just to make sure the soul's bonding with my body well. I've never handled such a soul before, so this is new even to me." She chuckled. "I don't think anything went wrong though-she seems healthy as a baby."


Noire shuddered, gasping for breath. Her eyes shot open, staring up at the pretty blue light of the moss on the ceiling. She was bleary, and it felt like she'd been asleep for an eternity. Maybe more than one.

She slowly reached up and groaned, rubbing her forehead and trying to dispell this damnable headache. Her entire body felt funny-it was as if she didn't belong in it in the first place. "Where am I?" She groaned.


William ignored the musings of the Elven mage, he was far more interested in her craft than her random commentary. It was intriguing but ultimately looked too theatrical. Some of her movements were entirely unnecessary and looked like she was trying to show off. Did she figure him an a deadbeat acolyte?

"With a clear enough presence of mind the soul could have been inserted with the guidance of your mind and not your hands. I suppose you elves think about too much for that to work."

Oh she was awakening.

"You're in the super secret lair of the archmage I spent strange aeons searching for. And now you've returned from beyond the far shores of time, welcome back Noire."


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