Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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"Excuse me, you didn't let me properly prep her! It takes longer if you don't prepare the soul for its journey to a new body!" Eruraviel exclaimed, puffing out her cheeks and wagging her ass back and forth. "I could have had it done within three hours, no time at all! Hmmph!"


Noire turned her head suddenly to look at her lover, only for something to brush up against the stone. "Eek!" She exclaimed, feeling a rush of blood to her nether regions. A hardening feeling she'd only before felt in her dreams caused her to sit up with a start, faintly glowing with the thrum of magical energy inside of her.

She stared, wide-eyed. It was exactly what she'd thought it was-she had a penis, but that wasn't even the craziest thing! Her chest had grown too! And her ass and thighs felt bigger as well! Glowing as brightly as the full moon, Noire reached down and grabbed her member, eliciting a soft moan. She reached up, grabbing her chest and sinking her fingers into it. "W-will..." She moaned, ears flitting up and down. "Why am I-so sensitive? What did you do to my body?"


William looked on amused at her reaction, this was going along just perfectly. It was just as cute as he expected it to be and he almost regretted not bringing a camera with him for this. But alas, he should speak up now before she did something truly foolish.

"We had to put you in a new one and that was the only one available. You aren't used it to yet so that's why it's sensitive. Besides, you'll really fill out your cosplay outfits now.... I've missed seeing those."


--- Quote from: Bern on April 01, 2020, 05:12:01 PM --- William

William looked on amused at her reaction, this was going along just perfectly. It was just as cute as he expected it to be and he almost regretted not bringing a camera with him for this. But alas, he should speak up now before she did something truly foolish.

"We had to put you in a new one and that was the only one available. You aren't used it to yet so that's why it's sensitive. Besides, you'll really fill out your cosplay outfits now.... I've missed seeing those."

--- End quote ---


Noire flicked her nipple with her index finger and ran her hand down her throbbing length-the arousal she was feeling was unbearable. It was as if her entire body was as sensitive as her breasts usually were. She let out a soft little moan as she began to stroke herself off. "What were you thinking, putting a goddess in a lewd body like this?" She averted her gaze from him, focusing her eyes on the elf standing in front of her chuckling. Her ears trembled and she pursed her lips, eyes raking over Eruraviel's body. Her gaze fell to her shapely legs, but then...

That woman had a penis. A big one, bigger than hers. Upon closer inspection, she'd guess it was bigger than Will's too. She squeaked, turning back to look at William, then back at the elf's crotch, finally ending staring at her face. The elf's mirth was palpable.

"Did you-did make me into an elf?" Noire exclaimed, looking between the two of them. Her chest heaved with arousal, the two mounds of perfect tit-flesh bouncing hypnotically. "I-well-you really want to see me dressed up when I'm like this?"


Eruraviel sat down next to her, staring at her beautiful face. Her long black hair ran messily down against her ears, which looked so long and delectable... Her trembling lips and confused eyes revealed a scared goddess who didn't know what was going on...

"Of course I did, Lady Black Heart. Your old body was destroyed, so I modified one of my spares for you. It's superior to your original body in every way, so you should be thanking me for doing you a favor, if anything." She ran her hand down the naked goddess's back and pressed her palm into her full butt, sinking her fingers into the flesh. She leaned up and moved to nibble upon her earlobe.


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