Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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Coconut's heart sank as the squirrel grew wings. What kind of squirrel had wings, anyway? A cheater! This girl was a dirty filthy cheater!

But, she was still in control, she knew she was. She knew she could regain control and hit the squirrel with the ultimate coconut beam. It would take her out, send her hurtling towards the ground, and the cute girl would explode into a thousand pieces!

So, she adjusted her aim upwards. The beam momentarily engulfed Nanako, sending her backwards, and then, out of the beam within the same motion.

"H-huh?" Coconut blinked. That wasn't right, no, she wasn't supposed to do that! She was supposed to fly backwards and do an explody thing!

The beam slammed into the ground, vaporizing the forest floor. The trees caught fire from the sheer energy of the blast and the ground liquified into molten fire. However, the beam's form became more shakey, less directed.


She's finally found it, it took so damn long searching the forest floor, but she finally found what she was looking. Yes this was a perfect size and shape, oh things were going to get interesting.

She picked it up and and rolled it around in her palm, feeling the weight of it before taking aim and-

The fist sized rock flew out of her hand and headed straight for Coconut's face.


The squirrel girl's eyes widened as the entire beam shifted upwards, briefly engulfing her. Pain flooded her for a brief moment, hot and searing, Nanako's eyes squinting shut before she was tossed from the beam just as suddenly, still smoking and charred and with her jacket blasted to tatters. Her mind was quick to break the shackles of pain, however, her focus honed by the momentary agony, if anything.

Not questioning why the beam had spat her back out, Nanako kicked off the nearest tree she could find, a crack like an artillery shell being fired echoing through the trees as she launched herself from one tree to the next, heading for the tree that beam was coming from. She grabbed the shattered halves of one as she passed, heaving it at the treetops where the beam was coming from with another gun-shot crack as she moved.


The damage from the beam was horrific. An apocolyptic hellscape emerged in Nanako's vision when the dust began to settle. The trees around her burned, or even were knocked over by the shockwave. The ground melted, consuming everything in sight.

It was utter devestation.

And then, suddenly, the beak shattered, exploding outwards into countless powerful bolts, ricocheting around the area, threatening to slam into her if she wasn't careful.
Coconut was still sure of her victory, of course. All she had to do was last a little longer, pump a little bit more magic into her attack. Maintain concentration, keep her eyes on the prize.

Just a little-

Thwack. The girl went hurtling out of control, crashing into a nearby tree as the rock whalloped her in the side of the head. Blood began to pour out of her pristine white skin. The girl groaned in pain, unsure exactly of what had happened.


The squirrel girl's eyes went wide at the destruction the Coconut Beam had wrought, but she didn't have time to consider it. And not just because the ground under her boots was molten. As she dashed forth to escape the devastation, Nanako felt that invisible something blaring in her head die down for a moment before kicking back up at full volume, the squirrel girl watching as the beam shattered into dozens of ricocheting bolts.

Nanako surged forth, running at full tilt to escape the area of devastation in the direction that the beam that created it had come from. Bolts fell all around her, the squirrel girl turning her gaze upwards and darting between the ricocheting bolts in an insane display of skill and acrobatics as she progressed, heading out of the blast zone so she could continue making her way up to wherever that beam had come from.


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